Video Game Music


New Member
If you're into video game music like I am, or even if you're not, here's a good site for you. It's called Overclocked Remixes, and it's got tons of high quality video game remixes. Mostly old games, so plenty of nostalgia is here as well. Anyways, enjoy. : )
I didn't look very long but I didn't see Warcraft's stuff in there. I'll give them a break, but as a gaming music site they should definately have the music from War3. It should have been the first one simply because it's just the best, bar-none.
There isn't much music for newish games, mostly old ones, and most of them are console not PC games. You may be out of luck if you're looking for Warcraft music, but there's still plenty more to be found on the site.
remixed chrono trigger, heck yea
Yeah there's tons of Chrono Trigger stuff.  Some other biggies are Megaman and Final Fantasy.  Lots of classics.  Good itmes.