<waves hello>


New Member
Hey all, just wanted to drop a hello from Fort Collins, Colorado. Training has been oging well so far, meeting lots of new people. Just wanted to drop in and say hi, I miss you all!

as a sidenote - whoa!!! we changed alliances! That's cool though, any details on what exactly is going on with alliances and such, I heard rumors of implementing a 5 alliance structure, but i didn't know how that would affect us. It is encouraging to see us involved with a much more active alliance again though.

Hope everyone is doing well!
oh yeah about the alliance change....

well you see it happened like this
Cleon or some other big name from the FAA /t and said they were swicthing alliances. so i said yes did waht he said.

i didnt ask the guild becasue , no one was on at the time and since it was really the same alliance different name i didnt think much of it.

That sounds fine, after looking at the guild list it looked pretty similar. Should be interesting to see how things pan out in the near future... Seems like there are now two RvR-centered alliances now - The Court Alliance and Roar of the Lion. It'll be interesting to see what role this alliance can play as it is fairly sizeable as well.

Only time will tell.

Miss y'all
Pip Pip Horray!

Great to hear from you. You'll have to try and share some of your Colorado adventures with us. I for one would love to hear what's going on up there. Hope you're having a blast, while doing some awesome things for God.