what do u do when?


Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
what do u do when its halfway through a school quarter, you have tons of work u know u should be doing, but you have absolutely no will to do any of it....... any advice would be usefull.... cuz yeah....
Just keep grinding away at it, even if you don't want to. There's a lot of days that I'd rather not be getting up at 5:15am to go to work, but it's a lot better than knowing I'd have to get up at 3am to deliver newspapers, drive a trash truck, or dig ditches for a living....or...ugh...like DV and blackgravity alluded to...working in food service again.
I have to agree with Killerah - best option is for you to drop out of school.

Heck - life as a homeless bum isn't that bad, you know.
lol, ive had a friend over because we're taking a 3-day saturday course together and its easier to drive together so yeah, i'll have to force myself to grind when i get back from class
dude my xml class is great, i sat here and pimped my desktop to look like mac lolz