What do you think?

Quite an interesting letter. It is good to see Mythic putting a lot of effort in keeping their focuses on fixes as well as improvements so that we all may better enjoy this game.

I had wondered what they would be doing after Atlantis had shipped out and was wondering what they would be working on yet. And even with this letter, they wouldn't give much details.

What is it you think they will be focusing on. I know they mentioned a frontier expansion and a few other things. Anybody hear any news on what these things may entail?
All I know about Frontiers is that it will be a redesign of the way RvR works. I don't know if they've given any more details than that.
I think its good they are concentrating on the current fan base and adding content. With the release of MMORPGs ever growing, it shows they are doing what they can to help keep those of us happy without making us shell out more dinero for another expansion so soon. I still expect there will be another expansion by the end of 2004 that we have to pay for, but as long as the game keeps improving, I'm ok with that.

Just my opinion.
