What have you changed in your interface?

Shoe On Fire

New Member

As you can see, I have moved the effects bar from the upper left to the lower middle and have a much larger minimap on the bottom right. What customizations have you done?
I saw this screensot and moved the conditions monitor to about the same spot too, good idea when running invincibuild. I think the only other thing I did was increase the size of the target skill warmup bar to make it more visible for interrupts.

When I play a monk, I move the team window directly above the skill bar to allow quicker moves from health bars to skills.
I put the experience bar right above the health and energy bars, and stretched it out to cover the whole thing.

more aesthetics than functional
I used to have my skill bar displayed vertically beside the party members so I could click a skill and then a party member faster when I used my monk.
Do you guys actually click your skill bars? I run everything through the keyboard...meh?
For skill use, I go back and forth between keyboard and clicking based on the build. When I need to target allies I find that I tend to click the skills, but for attacks and hexes, I tend to use the keyboard. I tried setting up the numpad to target allies 1-8, but found that I wasn't as effective with that setup, although it would probably just be a matter of practice.
Just in case you don't know about these:

C is automapped to select nearest enemy. I use that one a lot.

Tab then cycles through enemies in the area (on the compass map)

F is select self

V is select nearest ally