What is your favorite season?


New Member
As spring has come, it has made me think of all the blooming and just the beauty that God has provided for us.

So my question to you.....

What is your favorite time of year and why?
I like the time between spring and summer. The temperature is very nice and it tells me it isn't getting cold anytime soon!
Hmmm. I really only don't like late January and February. I used to hate late July thru August in Texas, then I got a brain and moved from the heat.
Mid-Spring, after Winter has had its last leg, to about mid-Fall, just before Winter sets in. Heck, anything that doesn't involve really cold. But I love it when the trees start to bloom in Spring. It's so pretty and a wonderful reminder that there's always life hidden under the ice and snow just waiting for the warmth. Then allergies hit for about a week but then I get to enjoy my warm weather! =D
I live on the coast in California...we don't have seasons. Just a few days out of the year when its not 70+
Is "Not Winter" a season. Because if it is, I'd say thats my favorite season. But then that could be because I haven't gotten back into any "Winter" activities since I was younger.