What the west needs to know...

My point is that you have to take the step. He can't take it for you.

And my point is I see no valid reason to take that step.

You're avoiding the question though...you said, "Unless you DECIDE to believe", which sounds an awful lot like there needs to be a want or desire before you can believe in God. That is NOT a good thing. That would allow any number of people to believe in any number of things simply because they desire it to be so. Look at the Heaven's Gate cult...they wanted and believed in many things. Does that mean the things they believed in were real?
I'm just speaking from my own experience. I'm by no means a biblical scholar. I can only hope that one day you'll find that reason.

Well it looks like a bright spot has emerged in the North Korea nuclear fiasco. They finally decided to once again resume the 6 party talks they walked away from last year. At least for now, we can hope to keep that area at peace. Kudos to China for helping out with this. China continues to impress me in their seemingly responsible acts of late. Now if only Iran would stop puffing out their chest...