What to do when StoneMaul is down?


New Member
Well, now that Stonemaul is down for approx. 24 hours what do we do?....I was hoping to get a few levels on Exorcyst today but nope. Anyone going to be playing on Cenarius? Look me up if you do, I have a low level undead warrior on there named "Dreadlokk" that still needs an invite to the conspiracy.

I'd join you on Cenarius but I've got a pretty full day of classes today...but I think I'll be re-rolling a mage on there...don't really like playing my hunter. =\
What that under that pile of stuff, Looks like a Vacuum Cleaner!

Nooooes....guess I will assembe that 8 ft shelf for the storage room thats been sitting in my living room floor for a week...darn.........AND then I can Vacuum! Dyson FTW.....
Worth every copper, silver and gold piece!

I have one, my mom has one, my friend has one....wish I got residuals for sales. If you have pets...this is a must! I would go out and buy another one if mine blew up tonight......
We actually have people in our "young married class" at church that value their Dyson over their spouse, when it comes down to it..

Goblit that was LOLfunny.