Whats your alian upgrade


New Member
I find myself alian more then rines these days rines feel nubbish to me :T

I uselly rack the skills up till i get to lvl 2 then i lerk then i fade at lvl 3 then i get adren then i save for focus if im stuck at lvl 5 i onos i get the skill that way then i am the super fade. I love cara redempt fade in vince able and they roxor
Early fades rock the Combat world. Plain and simple.

Of course, the hardest part for me is racking up the kills to get enough points to go fade. Grr. Any suggestions toward that end? Maybe focus? Or silence? Carapace?
I dont get alien at all. I need to be taught it or i will just have to play marine every time..
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tek7@Uni @ Oct. 21 2004,12:07)]Early fades rock the Combat world. Plain and simple.

Of course, the hardest part for me is racking up the kills to get enough points to go fade. Grr. Any suggestions toward that end? Maybe focus? Or silence? Carapace?
lerk or just bite like crazy
Heh. Lately, I've been going straight for xenocide. There are few things more satisfying that setting xenocide, then leaping into a cluster of marines...and killing three in the explosion.

IMO silence would be the #1 evolve on my list for anything... theres nothing better than sneaking behind someone at full speed... most of the time they don't know what hit them
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Of course, the hardest part for me is racking up the kills to get enough points to go fade. Grr.

The best way to racking up kills as Aliens is rush at the Marines spawn, kill the marines, then kill the spawning marines. Works best with 2-3 alien players.

I should know, we lost to 3 aliens vs 6 marines! One alien player racked to almost 20 kills!