Whats your opinion on anime (Japanese cartoons)?

Where you watch it doesnt matter. I dont watch TV because most of the commercials are moraly disguisting let alone the TV shows which make me pray for Jesus' Swift return.
Acting, No its pornogrophy. You cannot excuse it because they get paid to do it.

DOnt like it DOnt look at it? Does that make it better? and besides you should know that if you use the internet that crap is going to pop up.
Well, if you dislike it for that reason, then good for you. However, I might ask you a question.

How do you feel about the Passion of Christ movie? It cantains graphic scenes of Christ suffering. To some people, violence is as bad as pornography (And to some, believe it or not, violence IS pornography) yet this movie was cautiously welcomed by a good number of Christians. Is violence and suffering depicted on screen alright if it is religious?
To God violence is not like pornography. VIolence is a sad part of life that we must all face. Sexual sin is not something we should have to face, for sex is only for a coup[le in marrige and only there is sex aceptable to god.
I can't help but feel that you suggesting that everyone who watches a simulated sex scene, rape or not, gets turned on by it.

To clear things up, the rape in Perfect Blue was done in such a way as to horrify and it worked on me.

Sexual Sin is a sad part of reality too. Hiding it away in restrictions and limiting explicit material only increases desire and natural curiosity.
SO you shouldt avoid this stuff? thats stupid. Sin shouod be avoided at all costs, and being turned on by it isnt the sin, Desire to watch it is the sin.
You're putting words in my mouth. I never said we shouldn't avoid it (Pornography) but branding it as evil and demanding it be covered up is like painting the topside of a rock in the garden all nice and pretty. On the outside, things seem peachy, but turn it over and you see this stuff going on.

Some stuff really should be stopped, snuff and (actual) rape vidoes on the Net. The rest is all down to personal choice and your own set of ethics. One thing that many people resent with teligions or groups banning things is that they are imposing their own strict moral guidlines on everyone else who may not agree. Wether you think porn is bad or not, forcing everyone to agree with you by banning something isn't necessarily a positive thing.
It shouldnt be covered up but REMOVED ALTGETHER.

I cant force anything.... but God says its wrong, So I will fight for it. I will leave no slack, no comprimise. Any type of sex outside of marrige and between the two is SIN, watching it is sin, wanting ot watch it. Creating cartoons of it. Wanting cartoons of it. Heck even talking about having sex is Sinful. Sex in its entirety is for a man and woman in marrige.
Talking about sex is Sin? That sound suspiciously like repression to me.

If thinking, wanting, and desiring sex is sinful, I think you really need to look back on times like the Victorian Era.

In the Victorian Era in Britain, there was immense social pressure for sex to be completely restricted to marriage. Nevertheless, it was one of the most disastrous age for sexually transmitted diseases. A lot of it went on behind closed doors. Women were treated foully for their actions, but men were rarely held accountable. Rape was considered the womans fault for not being 'vigilant' or 'modest' enough (Sound familiar to any religions today?)

If you believe sex is for within marriage, fine. But not everyone has a peachy life and can achieve, or even want, based on their religion or lack thereof, a successful marriage.

Rape is considered a sin. Suppose a woman is forced to submit to her abusive husband. Now suppose a couple who really love each other have sex, but not until they have secure jobs and know that any children will have adequate support. Suppose the latter couple were not married.

Which is more sinful?

Human kind has always been covered in sin.

I dont have a marrige so I dont have sex.

She shouldnt have married him in the first place, and He is sinning against her and God. she has every right to leave him. THe couple without being married is sinning, Both are considered sin and both must be paid for. Whether your guy 1 or Guy 2 you need Jesus forgiveness for what you have done. Personally I would say guy 1 is worse and i fi knew him Id kill him... but according to God they are both sin and both need to be paid for. One sin no matter how much it is will send you ot hell unless you are saved.
Now here is the crunch:

One reason I am wary of religion is things like the moral stiffness of marriage. If two people are married, and have a happy relationship, fine. If a man rapes his wife during marriage, this is simply an abomination. A woman is not, and never shall be property.

And as for the situation I described, yes, I agree guy 1 is worse, but why should sex without marriage be sin if it is for all the right reasons? The second couple could be nicest people in the world and still be sent to roast cos they didn't marry, just show their love in a more personal non-show off kind of way. That is injustice, period.

By the way, I believe we are getting off topic. I blame you! Nyaa nyaa
MOral stiffness is tough, but is worth it in the end.

Man anyone and everyone who isnt forgivin for their sins is roast. and everyone sins. I am situation number two, That was me, and im feeling the repercussions for that... Sin is sin, and without Jesus we all will roast, its fair because YOU have the choice. Pick the tough road of morality or take the easy route of doing whatever you want. Your choice, so its fair.

Seems like we'll have to reach an impasse here. You're not budging and I'm not. Oh well, it was a good argument while it lasted. If you have any more to add, go ahead.

Anime forever!!!
anime is great. But sex in any way outside of marrige is sin. Not my choice, God came up with that. And jesus told us that just thinking about sin is a sin in itself... My advice to you, just avoic anything that might upset God whether you belive he exists or not because. If you are wrong about him, youll be in deeper crap and if you are right and he isnt like I know him to be then big deal you missed watching Porn! :p

Dunno, think I'm too far gone to be saved.

I believe I am what they call apostate.

Well, if God exists, I AM in deep doo-doo.
DUde if you knew what I have done in my life.... no one is too far, anyone who wants this to be the truth, and anyone who wants to do right, if they ask for it and mean it. God promises he will save anyone who wants it in their lives! and man I can tell you some amazing things God has shown me in my short life!
Sex outside of marriage is a sin to u and thats fine no one's asking u to do anything u don't want to do. I'm probobly a sinner in your eyes I guess. But its cool.
Personally I did get caught up in the porn thing when I was younger, but now I don't watch it that much.

I think snuff tapes are bad. But as I said before there are simulated rape tapes out there and people like them. Their actually gaining popularity in the porn industry because people like seeing something new. I personally am not interested in them but their not evil.

I think u throw out the word evil to loosly. Its like some people using the word hate. U can't stereotype everything u think is wrong as evil.
Anime films are never going to change, and I enjoy some of them. But their not evil.
NOt evil. Tell THAT to the judge, Desireing to watch women be raped is as evil asit gets I say.
THey are evil, because they do upset God and do push us away from him.
And rape in itself is evil.