Where do we go from here?

silent worship

New Member
Curious to know what everyone thinks happen once we are in the "big sleep". This has possibly been a thread before but I cannot find it...
Rather than having everyone guess at what your exact meaning is can you define what it is you're really asking? Are you talking about death? The afterlife? A coma?
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. II Corinthians 5:8
The "big sleep" continues the journey for the Christian. The Bible gives us only a glimpse of eternal things from that point forward.
Mr_Slice said:
Rather than having everyone guess at what your exact meaning is can you define what it is you're really asking? Are you talking about death? The afterlife? A coma?
My apologies, yes after death?
DV- never said I was a Christian...I cannot explain ghosts but I believe in them. Can science explain it, no, not fully. I believe because of things that I have witnessed in my life. That is all the evidence I need.
My apologies for my assumption.

You say that you believe in ghosts, but you haven't explained what you believe they are.

You may want to look into a little thing called "anecdotal evidence".