Why doesn't God intervene?


New Member
Okay to start I personally have come to terms with this issue, namely because I've prayed about it and what I have concluded makes sense to me. Sadly though, I can never really explain it to anyone who asks me this question without coming over as rash or something. So I was looking to get some imput from you guys on this important topic.

A bit of back story as to why I'm asking; My roommate's mother was involved in a serious...well "Accident" (not auto, but I don't want to share details) over this past summer in which she nearly died. What nearly killed her, most of it ended up not working, and a few other factors really did play a huge role in saving her life. Now, the thing is, my roommate asks me "Why didn't God stop it from happening in the first place?" then references some murder he heard about how a preacher was killed because the guy who killed him hated pastors. My roommate said "If he wasn't a preacher, he'd still be alive today". I mean I understand his rage at the situation, and how God is always the easiest to blame, but I feel compelled to help save his faith. He said before he was at heart a traditional Christian who went to church every Sunday, and since the accident he's considered himself a really angry Deist.

Really need some insight on this one guys =/
2) God could compensate for people’s evil actions through supernatural intervention 100 percent of the time. God would stop a drunk driver from causing an automobile accident. God would stop a lazy construction worker from doing a substandard job on a house that would later cause grief to the homeowners. God would stop a father who is addicted to drugs or alcohol from doing any harm to his wife, children, or extended family. God would stop gunmen from robbing convenience stores. God would stop high school bullies from tormenting the brainy kids. God would stop thieves from shoplifting. And, yes, God would stop terrorists from flying airplanes into buildings.

While this solution sounds attractive, it would lose its attractiveness as soon as God’s intervention infringed on something we wanted to do. We want God to prevent horribly evil actions, but we are willing to let “lesser-evil” actions slide—not realizing that those “lesser-evil” actions are what usually lead to the “greater-evil” actions. Should God only stop actual sexual affairs, or should He also block our access to pornography or end any inappropriate, but not yet sexual, relationships? Should God stop “true” thieves, or should He also stop us from cheating on our taxes? Should God only stop murder, or should He also stop the “lesser-evil” actions done to people that lead them to commit murder? Should God only stop acts of terrorism, or should He also stop the indoctrination that transformed a person into a terrorist?

Clip from http://www.gotquestions.org/God-allow-evil.html

God doesn't let us ask why and doesn't tell us why He does things very often (See Job). Job didn't choose to have all these horrible things happen to him from Satan, yet God allowed it. When Job persisted in asking God... why? He was met not with an answer, but God Himself and a question posed back to him "Who are you to ask me?" There are rare glimpses into the "why" of these things in the Bible. My personal favorite is below in Romans 8

Romans 8:20-22 "20For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God."
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I think it is because God is ultimately patient. Patient beyond our understanding. Certainly patient beyond our patience, which is when/why we become angry.

A kind of similar phenomenon happens between children and parents, I think.

I'm sure there are a lot of other things going on that affect it, too, though.
I think that its possible God allows stuff like this to happen to get "Traditional" Christians either out of His church or fully surrendered to Him. He clearly does not like "lukewarm" Christians. I don't think God has a problem with Angry Deists, He can do something with that, its the "Traditionals" that will sit stagnant and be unusable.
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He clearly does not like "lukewarm" Christians.

I don't want to tangent too much, but I would add on to this. He is madly in love with His Church, lukewarm and all. If He didn't love them He would not rebuke them. This is where He is challenging us to love us/them as well.
TheMonkey apologizes for resurrecting a 10 day old thread. Forgive TheMonkey please!

Is this not a case of "why doesn't God intervene the way I want God to?" or "why doesn't God intervene how I would if I were God?"

TheMonkey's bible states:
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.

TheMonkey has many interpretations of this verse one of them meaning:
God intervenes in all things, even the little things. It is not that God does not intervene, it is that God intervenes according to his will and not our whims and wishes.

TheMonkey wishes God's will was to bless TheMonkey with a million banana's so that TheMonkey can be a Bananaire, but alas, God does not will it. TheMonkey, nonetheless, does not go hungry but does go Banana's!!!!

May you be blessed with a bunch of Banana's!
Patriot thinks TheMonkey talks about himself/herself in the 3rd person a lot.

Other than that, well stated.
TheMonkey tries to see TheMonkey through the eyes of Christ and comments on what TheMonkey sees. TheMonkey sees a creation gone bananas!
GenghisKhan44 also likes TheMonkey. :)

Love, God is not always soft with His people. The Jews could tell you that easily. Indeed, the history of God and His people, involves a lot of evil happening to the people of Israel, for various reasons at various times throughout history.

Joseph, for example, was sold into slavery by his brothers who hated him. Does that mean that God hated him or didn't exist? Certainly not, for 14 years later Joseph said "Not by your counsel was I sent hither, but by the will of God... You thought evil against me: but God turned it into good, that he might exalt me, as at present you see, and might save many people." (Genesis 45:8; 50:20, D-RB)

Remember the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel (or at least from VeggieTales)? By this, God worked to preserve His people in captivity.

But also do not forget, God allowed the Israelites to be captured by the Assyrians, then the Babylonians, then the Persians who allowed them to return home, then the Romans. And why was this? As Isaias and Jeremias and Micah prophesied, because Israel did not turn from her idol worship and her own evils, God abandoned them to their idols - a miniature Hell, if you will - and let them see how much they needed Him.

And of course, we cannot forget Our Lord's sacrifice on the Cross, by which all mankind was saved from Death. Great evil happened to Our Lord Christ in Hell, so even God may know what evil is - complete and utter separation from Life and the Source of it.

In short, suffering and evil can occur for a number of reasons. Very often, evil is not the destroying of a tree, but the pruning of branches that we might grow more fruit. Sometimes large amounts of branches have to be trimmed, so that it looks like God has destroyed the vine He was trying to grow. But then time passes, and we understand God wanted us to use that pruning so we could grow more fruit for His kingdom, through prayer, sacrifice, and learning.

I remember wondering what God had planned for me when my father died almost a year and a half ago. I still miss him immensely, but I know his death was for a greater good. I have not learned about God, read the Bible, or prayed so much in my life, and I believe I am a better Christian now than I ever was in my past decade of my life - although I still have got a very long way to go. I'm even on my way to kicking an old, nagging sin of mine, thanks be to God, for I certainly wouldn't have stopped of my own accord. :o