Why is Solo Farming Bad?


New Member
It seems that both Anet and Blizzard don't like guys that farm solo. Why is that? Does it ruin the economy? And if so, how?
The more money people have the more they will spend. The more they'll spend means the more sellers will charge them. Which raises the prices to the point that unless you're a farmer, you're not going to afford anything.

They do the same thing with team builds. and it's like the whole 55monk/ss necro going to UW. A one point, you HAD to have one of those two build in order to go to UW because no one that wasn't one of those was going.

But yeah.....bots. People use them to make in-game credits that they can them sell later for real cash......which is against pretty much every game's EULA.
The more money people have the more they will spend. The more they'll spend means the more sellers will charge them. Which raises the prices to the point that unless you're a farmer, you're not going to afford anything.

They do the same thing with team builds. and it's like the whole 55monk/ss necro going to UW. A one point, you HAD to have one of those two build in order to go to UW because no one that wasn't one of those was going.

But yeah.....bots. People use them to make in-game credits that they can them sell later for real cash......which is against pretty much every game's EULA.
but not in the game of life aparently
Perfect example.
Go into granite citadel and approach the portal to Tasca's Demise.

You will see a bunch of Mo/Me and Mo/W running up to the tasca's demise sign and then after a few second they will run out the portal....exactly like vibro said bots. Its always a small group of people who can ruin it for the whole.