WW II Question


Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
I just got off of the Trinity CS server...and had a bit of an argument with one of their members. He said he was in a DoD 'realism' clan/unit and that they play like a WW II soldier would have, or something like that. Well anywho that had a few rules that make sense, but one that sounds uterly stupid. They have weapon restrictions acroding to what rank you are (i.e. If your a private, you can only use an M1 Grand). I said, "That is very realistic." and the guy said that it was very realistic. Now, I always thought that you used weapons according to what you specailized in. If you were infantry you used infantry weapons. If you specialized in heavy weapons, you used heavy weapons...and so on. Now, was that how it was in WW II, or did they just start doing that.
Well, I just called my grandpa, he was in WW II. And he said that you could use what ever weapon you wanted to as long as you specialized in it.
Well, I just called my grandpa, he was in WW II. And he said that you could use what ever weapon you wanted to as long as you specialized in it.

Which is why there were a few snipers in the WW II. As seen in the movie, Saving Private Ryan, most of the people ranked, Corporal, had Thompson machine guns, and in most squads, 1 sniper and 1 heavy machine gunner to balance it out. I really like the American's WW II weapons, they are mostly firepower than the German counter-part of strength as seen from DoD and various WW II games. I love the Thompson, though I specialized sub-machine guns...
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most weapons were by what you could find. Many just picked up weapons and used whatever weapon had ammo around.
Yeah, I remember my dad saying my grandpa was a marksman (or something like that) with a BAR. WWII guns are pretty sweet, apart from the fact that they killed people.