You're not a true believer unless you can...

Dark Virtue

New Member
1. Cast out devils
2. Speak with new tongues
3. Take up serpents
4. Drink deadly things
5. Heal the sick by the laying on of hands

Mark 16:16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

Would someone please comment on why these signs don't exist today? Well, unless you're Benny Hinn

Bonus points if you discuss the theory behind the questioned addition of everything after Mark 16:8.
THEY DO EXIST!!! OH MY GOSH!!! i have seen it at my BAAYF camp. i DEFINATELY HAVE TO GO NEXT YEAR!!! the reason y some don'et get healed is because god wants u to fix a problem, THEN THEY CAN BE HEALED. we have healed people just pray while touching them... then i'm like...
- doesn't work that way...
I think the effect that belief can have on healing is basically just the placebo effect in action. God stopping the healing from happening because he 'wants them to change something' seems like an excuse for the exceptions to me.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Frag Boy! @ Sep. 10 2004,6:02)]THEY DO EXIST!!! OH MY GOSH!!! i have seen it at my BAAYF camp. i DEFINATELY HAVE TO GO NEXT YEAR!!! the reason y some don'et get healed is because god wants u to fix a problem, THEN THEY CAN BE HEALED. we have healed people just pray while touching them... then i'm like...
- doesn't work that way...
Thank you for that ever so intelligent reply.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Sep. 09 2004,9:18)]1. Cast out devils
2. Speak with new tongues
3. Take up serpents
4. Drink deadly things
5. Heal the sick by the laying on of hands

Mark 16:16  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

Would someone please comment on why these signs don't exist today?  Well, unless you're Benny Hinn

Bonus points if you discuss the theory behind the questioned addition of everything after Mark 16:8.
srry but ur misguided just a bit, if you actually believe in that.

1. ive never cast out a demon more or less i have never met one yet i believe that demons are watching me yet have no more power than to tempt me, unless a big one comes and actually reveals itself.

2. i cant speak in tongues

3. errr ive played with garden snakes before...

4. deadly things taste bad so i havent tried

5. healed the sick? ive prayed for them and they have gotten better but if it was directly me? dunno but i think it helps.

am i christian: yes. have i been baptized: actually no i havent O_o . i honestly dont have much in regards to your theory behind mark but i believe if it is Gods will then we will have those abilitys
Hey, I'm not the one that said those signs will follow behind Christ's believers, I'm just asking why Mark said it would be so and it's not.

And please note, I didn't say I believed that now did I?  EDITED FOR CONTENT
Well let's look at what you said here:

"i honestly dont have much in regards to your theory behind mark but i believe if it is Gods will then we will have those abilitys"

It's not MY theory, it is written plain as day in the Bible, making it God's word, which means the followers of Christ SHOULD have those abilities.

Hex i didt really understand ur post myself... and forgive i misread ur post. and im gonna look into this a bit more further. i'll be asking my baptist pastor so he should have a good explaination for it.
An obsessive life is still a life. :P

But really, I can get like that too. Right now though, no one is discussing anything that I particularly care about.
hey dv. that is not true. there are 3 types of christians. 1. passive goes church in my opinion, saved, but dead spiritually. 2. working christian, trying to actively seek god and have logn way 2 go. (me.) 3. person who is 1 on 1 with god which i only know a couple. one person, JAESON MA!! HE IS AWESOME MAN!!! JUST LISTEN 2 HIM ONCE!!!