Youth Exodus from Church: What Are We Doing Wrong?

I was in youth ministry for 5 years, and my opinion is that this article is right on target.
1. Many churches are trying to "hook" youth with fun. That may help initially, but it does not fill the deepest longings of their heart. How does that help them find relavance in the gospel? My church board was always critical of me for the depth of my studies because it included challanging unrepented sin. People, adults and youth, have trouble with this because no one likes to think the are in sin. The adults wanted me to tolerate "little" sins, but what they failed to see was how these seemingly small matters led to much deep sin. How can I make the truth relavent if my hands were tied on matters of sin?
2. I tried to set up a mentoring program, but I just didn't have enough adults willing to help diciple the youth. The adults didn't mind having fun with the youth, but when it came to actually teaching the youth how to walk closer to God, they had no interest.
3. "GO and make diciples of all nations." This does not sound like a request to me. If we want youth to be closer to God, then we need to be obedient to this command. The youth will follow examples, but the church has to be willing to be an example.

#1: ... my Sunday school did that, they had games gave prizes, sang a few praise songs, and did a short Bible study... and I can't really think of Sunday school anymore as a 50 minute Bible study session, because as soon as i got out, it felt like i was frozen in time doing nothing until we got the Bible study, then continued doing nothing, then prayed once and left...

so i quit Sunday school and now i only go to the full church service, or as we call(ed) it in Sunday school, "Big Church"... now i say just "Church."

#2: this reminds me of what i thought of when i put up my Bible last night. As soon as i reached up to turn out the bedside lamp, this amazing idea struck me; i should create and lead a club of sorts for Christians at my school!
This idea wasn't just amazing because i thought of a cool plan to bring Christians together (like my guild on GW), but that i could help those who are lost and need someone to lead them to the light, like one of my best friends... i take her to church now and then, but she never goes of her own accord or asks if she can come with me... so she's obviously not enthusiastic enough for me to guide her in -.-... maybe this idea will work, though =D

#3: i try hard to follow the best examples the church has to offer, and fotunately, God blessed me with a high level intellect, therefore i can reason which examples are truly the best to follow, so i don't tag along into faults there may be in the church... like what my mother thinks about the preacher being like an actor... a TV-broadcast only preacher, so to speak. >.< i like how he presents the word with nice emphasis and good order to his sermons, but sometimes it just seems like he's using Christianity as an excuse to get up on a stage and show people himself... selfishness is after all a sin.

so that's a good 2 cents from my little. . . okay, large, perspective (maybe 20 cents? :p ) expand with more money if necessary, i like donations ;)