Yup. It's here.


New Member
"Patch 4.0.3a - The world ends this week on live servers!
Let's confirm this, yes, Patch 4.0.3a will be deployed on live servers this week and will change the world of Azeroth forever. You only have a few hours left to say good bye to the old world (and farm try to get that stupid mount in Zul'gurub) before Deathwing decides that it needs a new look. All the information and the official patch notes are available below.

Get ready for the biggest change you ever witnessed in World of Warcraft, and enjoy! "

From MMO-Champion.
"Experience required to gain levels 71 through 80 is being reduced by 20%"

So now you can hit 80 in dragonblight! They've done it with the first two expansions so they're going to do it every time.
I didn't see anything about being able to fly in Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor later on today. :(
OHMYGOSH!!! I just HAD to login even though i knew servers would be down BUT...they're showing cata trailer when you play the game and the login screen has changed!! /all excited
They kind of made it sound like you could sneak into those areas, but you couldn't quest unless you had Cata.......

...what if you already have Cata on your account?
* Druids, paladins, priests, and shaman will have their talent trees reset


* Portals in Dalaran/Shattrath Removed

Yeah I don't understand the portal removal thing. How do they want people to get to those places? Flap their wings?
Portals: the issue isn't to much getting TO those places, it's getting FROM them. They're no longer transportation hubs. Also, unlike 2-3 years ago, there are alternate "port" devices, not just hearth. For instance, I'd guess a fair number of people have the AC tabard (to the tournament) or the Dalaran ring (to Dalaran). So have your hearth set to, say, IF, and then it's still a quick trip to Dalaran.

With respect to Shattrath ... it's been a ghost town for years anyhow. Is there such thing as a marginally more ghost town? And they did make it easier awhile back with the Blasted Lands portals planted in the capital cities.

I think, overall, Bliz is trying to break the model, extant since lagforge, where tons of toons mass in one central spot. That will always cause system problems relative to a more dispersed solution. Who knows if it'll ever work ... I can't imagine Darnassas ever becoming a hot spot ... but I think that's why they're pushing.
So bored...need WoW..must play...Azami when you coming back?
On an unrelated note...I'm finishing up book 6, The Halfling's Gem in The Legend of Drizzt series..I must say I have enjoyed this series thus far.