A book in progress...

Well C$, in the story, has an evil side--if you read what he was yelling at HCS...

"Let's get you an artificial HEAD!"

Doesn't seem like it's really him, does it? :eek:

(I love starting rum0rz.)
Attention all fans of soup boy's story:

It was inevitable, I suppose, that soup boy would one day abandon his story, and it would be up to others to complete it. Numerous authors have begged me for the privilege, and Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson recently offered to complete the story based on extrapolated metadata found in C$'s sig file. But after due consideration, I'm happy to announce that I've finally chosen a writer who is truly worthy to take over this project. Let's give him a big CGA welcome guys!

*shoots Jar Jar with a rapidly-made gun with the materials on the desk in front of me: five coffee cups, priority mail tape, a microphone, several piano books, some HEFTY ziplock bags, a flashlight, a pencil sharpener, some more packaging tape, a wireless router, two hair scrunchies, and a printer ink cartridge, with AA batteries as ammo*

Seriously though, if someone else would want to, say, take over the story, they would PM me... you know, hypothetically... and then I would, in theory, post my resignation as I got off track with this story several months ago... and then, metaphorically speaking, of course, they would continue where I left off and finished it as they saw fit--with my approval...

Hcs laid the sautering gun aside and stretched, noisily cracking his knuckles; the noise it made secretly amused him.
"Must you do that? It's annoying," sighed MaidMirawyn.
"YYYYYYYAAAAAAIIII!!!!" shrieked Dapor, leaping ten feet in a single bound and delivering a sharp blow to the back of Mirawyn's knee. She fell with a cry and whirled, ready to fight. HCS paused, as if pondering the situation, and kept running.
"Hescominsoon, what are you doing?! Help me!!" yelled Mirawyn, who was fighting a losing battle against the much swifter and seemingly much crazier Dapor. HCS just kept running. An eerie cry rang across the street, sending a shiver down his spine.
"ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!!" C$'s war cry. A moment later, a bullet pinged off a road sign two inches away. He then started randomly twisting, turning, jumping, hopping, and dashing in zigzags in an attempt to throw off C$'s aim. It worked. Bullets zinged this way and that, but none came close.
"LET'S SEE IF WE CAN GET YOU ANOTHER ROBOT HAND, MECH-BOY! MAYBE AN ARTIFICIAL HEAD!" cried C$. HCS groaned with pain as he tripped over a road block. He painfully raised himself up and then remembered that crosshairs were trained on him.
"Buh bye," breathed C$.
"Gosh darn it... out of ammo..."
HCS laughed victoriously and made his escape, leaving Maid Mirawyn to fend for herself.
MaidMirawyn yawned and was about to fall asleep when she noticed a strange lump protruding from HCS's snoring form ten feet away. She slowly and stealthily got up and slipped over, avoiding the campfire. She lifted the flap and saw HCS sleeping, but there was a metal box attached to his back! "What in the world..." she whispered. As stealthily as possible, she poked the skin around it. It felt... fake. She pricked it with her finger nail and part of it lifted. She pulled back and to her horror she discovered whirring, moving, and churning robotic parts.
"If this isn't the real HCS... then where is..."
Instantly, HCS awoke and spun around, striking her on the forehead and she slipped into unconsciousness.

*really really cool action music video montage PWNAGE l33tn3ss*

So what happens after that? The answer coming soon! (as in the next day or two. Guaranteed.)
Hescominsoon ran for all he was worth. He ran for several minutes along a highway until he came to the city limits and then dashed off into a patch of trees. He spotted a gnarled oak tree and leaped into it, climbing its branches with the ease of a leopard. He perched at a branch about twenty feet up, and he waited for his pursuers to show themselves.

Several thousand feet in the air, a B2 stealth bomber scanned the ground. Its mission was not one of a stealth air strike, but a simple recon mission. The objective: Find HCS at any cost.
"Lone figure spotted heading west of the northbound highway!" radioed a copilot.
"Roger that," radioed back the main pilot. "Reporting coordinates..."

A mile away, the team from CGA received a single message.
"We've got him," breathed C$.

Sorry, gotta go shower... more tomorrow
Ick, bass lessons and piano lessons and driver's ed and soccer and BLAH BLAH BLAH it's still too busy. I'll never finish this story :mad:
Hescominsoon ran for all he was worth. He ran for several minutes along a highway until he came to the city limits and then dashed off into a patch of trees. He spotted a gnarled oak tree and leaped into it, climbing its branches with the ease of a leopard. He perched at a branch about twenty feet up, and he waited for his pursuers to show themselves.

Several thousand feet in the air, a B2 stealth bomber scanned the ground. Its mission was not one of a stealth air strike, but a simple recon mission. The objective: Find HCS at any cost.
"Lone figure spotted heading west of the northbound highway!" radioed a copilot.
"Roger that," radioed back the main pilot. "Reporting coordinates..."

A mile away, the team from CGA received a single message.
"We've got him," breathed C$.

Vibro jogged down the road, arms swinging loosely at his sides. The pager on his belt began vibrating. Vibro paused and yanked it out of the sheath. He held the pager-katana to his ear.

STC spoke in a hushed voice.
"Vibro, they found the robot. You gotta get HCS out of - "

The transmission abruptly cut off. Vibro resheathed his katana and looked around.
He spotted a Corvette flying down the highway toward him.
Whipping out the katana, Vibro examined the car through the hollow blade; which doubled as a telescope.
"MM!" he exclaimed.

He swung around, looking for a place to hide, then quickly ducked into the brush by the side of the road.

In a tree close by, HCS watched curiously.


MaidMirawyn peered suspiciously at the pile of branches farther ahead. For a moment she thought she'd seen someone there...
She slowed the Corvette as she went past it, rolling down the passenger window.
"Hello?" she called. "Hello?"
The words were accompanied by an Uzi shoved out the window..

No one answered, somewhat unsurprisingly.
Underneath a pile of leaves, Vibro twitched uncomfortably. Ants crawled down his neck.
"Sure hope she doesn't empty a mag in my direction..."

Shrugging, MM rolled the window up and eased up on the brake.
"Don't seem to be any cops around..." she mused, glancing up at the mirror.
The Corvette flew off down the highway at an unbelievably illegal speed.

Vibro clung to the trunk, his hair and clothes rippling in the slipstream, praying that a State Trooper would come upon the scene.

Underneath the Corvette, HCS had his arms wrapped firmly around the gas tank's supports.
He groaned as the car slalomed through a string of orange traffic cones.
"Maniac Mirawyn..."


C$ collared Darth as he exited the B2's cockpit.
"Nobody was there, Darth!" he yelled.

Darth looked shocked. "We saw him there," he insisted.
The copilot removed her helmet and nodded. "It was him." Genesis told C$. "Honest. Cross my heart. Hope to die. I promise you..."
"All right already!"

As they walked away from the plane, C$ shook his head.
"We searched that whole area... nothing. Imagining sensors didn't pick up a thing... aside from a couple of kittens."

A shock wave slammed them to the ground as the B2 exploded, blowing a massive crater in the runway. Darth and Genesis tumbled and rolled, their helmets bouncing away across the concrete.

C$ slowly got to his feet, turning toward the burning stealth bomber.
"You'll pay, HCS..." he breathed.


(Seriously, C$??? )
Can I get a mech...or maybe just in the story? lol

Btw, i can tell its a different style slightly, but sitll very good
Btw, i can tell its a different style slightly, but sitll very good

I agree.

As far as I'm concerned...I'd like to see both of them contributing to the story. Maybe it would be mainly Lazarus writing the story, with C$ adding an entry here and there. Whatever. Just keep it going! Its too cool to die! :p

Hehe..me and a small co-op of friend are making plans to take over the world...all different, agruing over countries, yada yada yada...anyways, i spek for many people when i say