A warning about post counts

My wife would agree with the firemen comment...she tries to get me riled up by commenting on it every time we drive by the fire department. She's usually disappointed by my reaction (or lack thereof).

I wouldn't say it's a universal thing, but I would imagine the level of physical fitness among firefighters is higher than, say, among the average computer programmer. ;)
I wouldn't say it's a universal thing, but I would imagine the level of physical fitness among firefighters is higher than, say, among the average computer programmer. ;)

Given that we have one of each in the house, I'd have to agree with that statement. Don't let Randy fool you - he's kinda cute.

I'm in that picture. It's a group photo taken on the last day of Paul's career. It's a bit old, but a decent picture of me, nonetheless.
Hmm....didn't point yourself out...I say then you must be the cute one on the second/first row. SEE I'm right!

I'm in that picture. It's a group photo taken on the last day of Paul's career. It's a bit old, but a decent picture of me, nonetheless.

Well, you're a little redder than I'd pictured you, but I must say that your white stripes are rather flattering.
I know I've put on a little weight lately, but saying I'm as big as a truck is a little harsh, doncha think? :0

actually, I LOL'd IRL.