Anyone playing anymore?

I'm still playing my Sith Characters (Harbinger and the Bastion). I intend to get back to my Jedi, I just haven't had much play time.
I created an Empire character, but did not see anyone online that was in Called from Darkness. My character's name is Berbosa, a bounty hunter. Who should I look for to get in the guild?

Also, I have been playing Baeric and a few others now and then. I am not online every night, bur more active lately.
I've been playing my Empire characters on The Harbinger. I finally finished the storyline for Inquisitor and am probably going to work on my BH next.

I want to play my Republic toons but whenever I get on Bergen, nobody else is on. It would be nice to at least get the guild established again. My daughter was playing her Republic toons today or yesterday, so we would just need two more.
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Yeah, do a search for Called and see who's on. My toons are Marook and Kahiel. I play 3-5ish and 9 to 10ish EST. I try to get in more often but those are the times I've tried to set aside.
I have done a search. Never see anyone from that guild online when I do though. I have been playing Tekus on the Republic side, if your ever on when I am. Probably play a little this evening.
I was on Begeren for about an hour tonight, but didn't see you. I probably could have gotten my daughter and a local friend on so we could reform the guild. I also got on Bastion and looked for Berbosa, but you weren't on. You can message me on skype/xfire/steam as usafa82 if that helps to coordinate things.
I was on Begeren for about an hour tonight, but didn't see you. I probably could have gotten my daughter and a local friend on so we could reform the guild. I also got on Bastion and looked for Berbosa, but you weren't on. You can message me on skype/xfire/steam as usafa82 if that helps to coordinate things.
On that note, I've been loitering in Mumble when I play in case someone shows up. :cool:
I logged in to Mumble, but was denied access to the guild areas. No idea why. I was getting in there before.
I logged in to Mumble, but was denied access to the guild areas. No idea why. I was getting in there before.
Contact Tak, the mumble server was hit by a script kiddie who was trolling everyone so they had to put a password on it. I saw you in the AFK room BTW...
I logged in to Mumble, but was denied access to the guild areas. No idea why. I was getting in there before.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the password. I can send you the password via Skype if you haven't already gotten it.

I didn't get on tonight. Watched a movie with the family on Netflix then watched some Olympics.
If you guys still have trouble catching each other, you can also try catching me on steam. Lately when I'm on I've been mostly playing games that I picked up during the steam summer sale, but I'll happily hop on to TOR long enough to get guild invites out. My steam name is d4rthsp0ck.
Ok, I got the password, but I have clue what to do with it. I can login to the Mumble Server and I can see all the channels. But when I try to go to any channel under SWTOR, I get access denied. Where do I use this password? :)
It's unfortunate that we had no reasonable recourse other than to password-protect the server and distribute the password through private channels.

Script kiddies: This is why we can't have nice things.