Anyone want to design a ToJ logo?

Figured I'd throw a dog in this. Mainly because I have discovered a growing fascination with Photoshop.

I took Lloren's stylized lion and just put words around it. When I thought about what to make I had the idea of making a circular-ish logo and thought it'd be easier to just use that for the centerpiece than try and think of something on my own ^_^

EDIT: I threw a cross in the background on a whim. I was trying to think of other meanings of "Tribe of Judah" besides a lion. While a cross isn't exactly earth shattering, I thought it'd be nice to clearly indicated who and what we are are about.
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Thanks Aleron! Like I said, the cross was a last minute, out of left field thing, and it adds a bit of color into it too, which I think is nice.
I haven't had time lately to work on the physical logo, but I did work on it today. I like STC's 1st logo. I can work with that plus add a cross on each end along the equator.
Oh yea, I completely forgot that you made/were-making a physical copy of it. It'd be a little hard to fit that cross in there and still make it look legible. :p
I was originally thinking to add Christian Gamers Alliance on the top arc and Tribe of Judah on the bottom arc but wasn't sure.