Christian College..

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So, on September 3rd I am headed off to Indiana Wesleyan University to study Christian Ministry (at this point in time that's my major choice, it may change- listening for God on this).

Anyways, to get straight to the point, they don't allow M rated games. That is just one rule I have a pretty hard time with. That means no more CSS, Garry's Mod, or TF2 which I have been playing the most lately. If this rule is strictly enforced by my RA, i'm going to probably end up breaking it- or be slightly miserable until I lose my urge to play those games I guess..

I'm hoping that if I use the Christ Centered Game Reviews site, I can convince my RA that the games aren't that bad. Maybe I can turn off the blood and gore setting, so then it's just "shooting". I have so many internet friends that I only spend time with while gaming, it's going to be really sad for me if I can't play with them and I will be more than embarrassed to tell them it's because of a stupid rule enforced by my Christian college. I think that's why I'm posting this, because I'd actually be embarrassed to tell my friends that I signed up for a college that won't let me play M rated games. What's up with that? (embarrassment AND the rule haha)

This is going to be one interesting experience... that's for sure.
Gosh, grimsauce - I'll be praying about that.

I think you're right about it being a stupid rule - but then, I'm bet they had people stretching the edges of what games were okay and offending people so they had to set some sort of rule. Most stupid rules end up in place because someone was being stupid and it had to stop.

At the same time, if God led you to Indiana Wesleyan University, then He led you to those rules for a while. I'll be praying for wisdom in getting this resolved.
I know that when I was at Moody Bible Institute, I had a real hard time with the massive rules. I had previously been in a co-ed dorm situation at a public college and kept my self to great accountability. I was very active in church and set my own boundaries with help from my pastors. Then I went to Christian College and they forced all these rules like I was a little kid. I felt the rules were all focusing on the actions and not on the heart. It actually made me angry and for the first time in my life I had major rebellion. I eventually got asked to leave the college because of it all. So I guess my advice is to beware that Satan can use this to stir up a rebellious spirit in people ;) Don't be like me, heheh.
It's sad that they have to blanket ban things but I can understand as you haven't the time to go through every game and movie one by one. Also the ESRB rating system is secular so those values aren't going to reflect Christian thought but it's what we've got to work with. I know on our TF2 game night I tell people to keep language G rated but that's becuase everyone will understand that term you can't say keep everything acceptable to Christian standards as secular people haven't a clue.
I wouldn't say that. :)

Well I shouldn't say all secular people but many have a skewed idea of what Christians should be doing for example Christians are extreme pacifists. I've had a few people come to our server and seem to be genuinely shocked Christians would even play a violent game (they didn't grieve either like some do so I don't think they were pretending).

I don't know why they'd ban those games. Parts of the Bible are pretty... vivid as well.

TF2 isn't perfect content wise but then no game is. Possible objectionable content that comes to mind is the language, use of violence and gore. I don't think there is any doubt that there are times Christians should be violent, as you said see the Bible, but the question is whether the use of it within the game is appropriate. The violence could be seen as a glorification of violence for the sake of violence or as desensitizing. To me the graphics are too cartoony and fake looking to approach anything real but then I've probably been desensitized myself by seeing (not playing) games that are far more violent and real looking, others may have not.

Bottom line is some M rated games would be non-conducive to fostering a Christian environment IMO. If they want to control content easily they've got to blanket ban everything by a preexisting system lest they have to review it all themselves. It's nothing against those games in particular to my understanding.

Grimsauce if you do approach whoever is in charge for an exemption for individual games it's important to present yourself as mature and responsible while being forthcoming about all the game's content. They more than likely won't have the time or motivation to examine the games in depth so they will be examining you instead.

Note: I believe to turn off the blood and gibs you add -sillygibs to the launch options but I've never tested it. You will also of course want to turn off sprays under options that alone will give any online game a M rating ouch o_O! Closed headphones might help with the language thing too if you are going to be playing in a public environment.
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There's stuff on the internet that I wish was censored, stuff you don't forget. T_T

As for the ruling though, it makes sense. It'd be hard for the staff to pick and choose which M-rated games are allowed (TF2 compared to GTA4), plus with the online communities being rather secular, it wouldn't hold up to a Christian College's environment.
I realize this post may come across as judgmental; I certainly don't mean it to be.

I remember having an uncle who smoked a lot; his smoking habit got him into conflict with the ministry where he worked. He constantly bent the rules to get his fix and while it's very true that the ministry used all sorts of passive-aggressive ways to try to get him to stop without actually having to address the problem, eventually one of the leaders sat him down and asked him, among other things, whether cigarettes were so important to him that they were worth going against the desires of the ministry that God had placed him in.

He quit that day.

I really have a hard time telling you what God says about this issue, as I'm pretty biased in your favor. But I would like you to take my story to heart. While having no M-rated games sucks, it's way better than having no games. I would take heart and set out to explore the great world of T-rated and E-rated games.

That being said, I recognize that one of the key issues for you here is the social aspect of the games you play -- the friends you play TF2 with. This will be a challenge for you, no doubt.
Thanks for the support guys.

My game plan thus far is to simply cut down on video games period- but continue playing the games I enjoy playing. The way my room is set up, it will/would be very hard to have my computer screen not facing the open- so, I think I will just play the games I play (despite the rating) and if someone questions me I will simply tell the truth. I honestly will probably be too lazy to try and patch off the blood in CS:S as it requires me to change models which I am unfamiliar with. But, as I'm writing this, I can only image someone watching me shoot someone in the head and be utterly shocked- and at the same time, the exact opposite, with me shooting someone in the head and saying "oo nice shot". The annoying thing is that it depends on the RA as to whether they are going to be strict. Since my RA is my suitemate, I think I'll sit down and have a talk with him one on one and ask him where the line is drawn, if x game is alright, and if disabling blood or something will make it allowable. I mean, look at Super Smash Brothers or WoW- these games are built on fighting- but they would be fine at my college because they have a T rating..
It's hard to draw the line... Hopefully my RA will be open to work things out with me.

Thanks for the wisdom. College definitely is definitely > M rated games- I just hope it doesn't come down to that. My older brother got away with playing CS 1.6 at the same college non-stop- not to mention that he even cursed all the time! (which is a whole other topic *rolls eyes*)
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Well I admit rules are rules, but some just don't have their place today. What if they had a rule where the head honcho can bash you up as and when he likes?
I'm saying obviously whoever came up with the no M rated games is both misguided and paranoid. But can we really blame him? With all that stuff the media are flinging around, games are portrayed as evil and all that. Which we know is total nonsense.

However, since he probably isn't prepared to listen, and you are going to be here a long time, better not to make a fuss, he's not gona scan your computer innit? Delete all shortcuts and just play alone. Unless you're at a boarding school and sharing room... then it's hard.

I have to say, I mainly stick to my few MMOs, but I have never found a single game I feel should be banned. It is SIMULATION people, not real life. I go driving my car up to people in GTA and hear the crunch, doesn't mean I'm evil and crap, I'd never hurt anyone intentionally who hasn't hurt me in real life.

Now more on your case, cutting back isn't the way to go man, just because there are outside pressures. Sure, you don't have to lie about it, and can *attempt* to reason with whoever catches you, but how about exercising discretion? Don't have that computer screen facing right outside your door for one thing, or keep that door closed.

Come on, we can't have all our games being all do goody and all that, we already have real life to do good in. Though I enjoy playing the hero...

Sure, you have to respect the authority, but you gotta realize the reason this rule is in place, is probably due to some old misguided n00b who hasn't played games himself, acting directly under influence by the media. But if you feel you are disrespecting God, then its decision time. Of course there are other Colleges, the question now is not whether you have to dump the games for God, but rather if you have to move further away for the games.

So while I understand the points raised in the post above yours, my point is rules are rules, but some rules are made in error.

As for net censorship, what happens when the filter is gone? Big free for all. Plus, people who are hellbent, there are always proxies. So censorship should be self made, or for very young children, but NOT at the ISP level.
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I share my suite with my hall's RA so I would eventually get caught if I did. But, I think I'm deciding on just not playing M rated games- or playing them very little. To be honest, though, there is hardly any difference (to me) between M rated games and T rated games. For instance, check Starcraft 2. Full of violence and gore during cutscenes, has curse words and the what not- but is rated T for teen. Now look at CS:S or TF2, much less cussing(aside from multiplayer) and even less gore... rated M for mature. That right there doesn't make sense to me! Umbrella bans on things like games and movies are just so silly.... but I will do my best to respect the school until I feel like doing otherwise

This is a great school from what I have seen so far, and this could be a chance for me to become more social, practice guitar more, and less of an intense gamer.

PS. WoW is T for teen yet, in my opinion, is much more likely to cause people to sin than TF2 in a server full of atheists. I say that due to it's addictive characteristics- you're more likely to end up giving your time and energy to WoW than to being Godly and pursuing our Lord. With saying that, I don't mean that if you play WoW it is cutting you away from God, but without restraint, I do believe it will :\

TLDR: T games are just as bad as M games (90% of the time). Umbrella bans are stupid. I will probably succumb to the rules but try to have my voice heard about this..
Grim Sauce. If you want my bloodless CS:S, and TF2 configs, just let me know. It takes Gore out too. Also for TF2, the easiest way to rid the game of blood and gore is to send in a support ticket to valve asking them to switch your version to the censored one. You'll have to DL tf2 again, but when you get back there will only be a little bit of green blood (tiny tiny bits) and the gore turns into humourous items. My CS:S config removes all traces of blood, and when the player gets killed, the just lie down on the ground as if they were not really playing with real bullets. Heres a vid of it ( I didn't make this vid. May be bad language. Dunno I don't listen. Also this guy didn't disable blood):

Hope this helps.
sounds like a great idea josh- i'll mention that to my RA when we talk (i'm just avoiding it until freshman orientation weekend craziness is over)

any idea if those counter-strike models carry over to garrysmod? I play this game called TTT (trouble in terrorist town) and it uses my CS:S gun models, player models, and maps but it has blood in it and stuff atm
So your the one that always plays TTT... Know any clean server? Also, I imagine if you put the same config I'll give you in the Garry's Mod folder, it will work too. This config works for DoD:S, sometimes TF2, and CSS:S. Never tried with L4D or L4D2. But ya. Tell me if you need it, and I'll upload it and send you a link :)
Also make sure you mention that you play these games with other Christian gamers most of the time (if you do lol).
That might just work - if you tone down the game and play with other Christians - and you can show him both - that might just work. Good idea, Joshinator.
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