Do you believe in relics, myths, etc?


Active Member
Some people have been looking for the Holy Grail. I guess finding it would make the Bible more believable that God/Jesus existed.

Would you believe the Holy Grail existed, or didn't?

Other than that, the other stuff that could or could not be believable.

Big Foot
Lockless Monster
Evil Spirits
Adbonable Snow man
Death (The Grim Reaper)
Aliens (UFO)
Mother Nature

Well, in the strictest sense, we KNOW the Holy Grail exists: obviously Jesus did use a cup/goblet/drinking vessel at the Last Supper. Do I believe it has been preserved? Highly unlikely. It would been just another cup then, and most certainly NOT a bejeweled gold one; his disciples weren't rich! Do I believe it possesses inherent miraculous powers? No. Any time an item in Scripture has power, that power comes from God. It's not like Raiders of the Lost Ark's depiction of the Ark of the Covenant, where whoever possesses it has control of the power.

Do I believe a Bigfoot or Sasquatch-type creature could exist? It's possible; God's creation is awesome enough to allow for the possibility. But I've never seen any compelling evidence. If it did exist, it would be an animal, not something with human intelligence.

Loch Ness Monster? Also not beyond the realms of impossibility. I could be some sort of psuedo-dinosaur or something, but I'm far from convinced. (The possible existence of dragons in the past is more compelling...)

Ghosts: I chalk most such things up to overactive imaginations, wishful thinking, and hoaxes. Note that I said most: I believe some such phenomenon have been genuine (a very, very small percentage) and can be attributed to angelic and demonic activity. I do not believe the souls of the dead roam the Earth, tied here by unfinished business or something.

Evil spirits: Obviously they exist; the Bible tells us so. But I think most instances are like the ghosts sightings or misdiagnosed mental or physical disorders. Or just a convenient excuse.

The Grim Reaper: Negative. The Bible does speak of the Angel of Death, but I don't believe it's anything like the personified Death of pop culture and legend.

Mother Nature: Nope. Creation is the Lord's; Scripture is clear on that.

Aliens and UFOs: A tricky one. Like ghosts and spirits, I think most of the experiences are the product of overactive imaginations, wishful thinking, and hoaxes. (And in some cases, based on what I've read in UFO Magazine, drug and alcohol use...) I seriously doubt we'll ever find intelligent life except what we've got here on Earth. However, I do think that demonic activity could present itself intentionally as extraterrestrial activity. It's a great way to draw attention away from God!

Obviously none of this is exhaustive, but the scope of the question doesn't really allow for that until we get some discussion going! I couldn't resist posting, though. :D
MaidMirawyn said:
Well, in the strictest sense, we KNOW the Holy Grail exists: obviously Jesus did use a cup/goblet/drinking vessel at the Last Supper. Do I believe it has been preserved? Highly unlikely. It would been just another cup then, and most certainly NOT a bejeweled gold one; his disciples weren't rich! Do I believe it possesses inherent miraculous powers? No. Any time an item in Scripture has power, that power comes from God. It's not like Raiders of the Lost Ark's depiction of the Ark of the Covenant, where whoever possesses it has control of the power.

In the the third Indiana Joens movie it was just a cup made from wood.

Bigfoot: Yes, not impossible far to many sittings in to many different place to be a hoax in my opinion. And the movie of it walking across the beach did it for me.

Loch Ness Monster: Same reasons as with Big Foot, but the police report of the whole boat full of vacationers that saw it did it for me.

Aliens: I believe them to be Fallen Angles in a different form. I also believe they will be part of the Great Despetion that the Bible talks about.

Holy Grail: It did exist at one time, but now it is probably gone forever.

Arc of the Covenant: I do believe it still exists, because the Bible talks about the Antichrist opening it and smashing the Ten Commandments.
I forgot one more, what about Vampires, do you believe in them? And would they be relative to a religious concept, like in several movies; Dracula 2000, etc?
Corpfox said:
I forgot one more, what about Vampires, do you believe in them? And would they be relative to a religious concept, like in several movies; Dracula 2000, etc?

I believe that maybe there are wackos out there who drink blood, but I don't think they are compelled to do so
Corpfox said:
I forgot one more, what about Vampires, do you believe in them? And would they be relative to a religious concept, like in several movies; Dracula 2000, etc?

The Bible states that you only die once. And since vampires are 'undead' then they can not exist. But like C$ said there are wackos that get teeth augmentation to get fangs, and drink blood.
It's not like Raiders of the Lost Ark's depiction of the Ark of the Covenant, where whoever possesses it has control of the power.

Actually, it had healing and youth powers, though, living forever can be a curse like the movie, The Green Mile.

The Bible states that you only die once. And since vampires are 'undead' then they can not exist. But like C$ said there are wackos that get teeth augmentation to get fangs, and drink blood.

I...see... :eek:

Aliens: I believe them to be Fallen Angles in a different form.

Isn't Fallen Angels, the ones that defied God? So, techncially, their not good, right?

Do you, or would you believe people, human beings like us, could possess Godly powers; healing the sick, etc?

Like in those, church groupings on TV, you would watch someone that has a big issue; paralized, blind, etc. Then the church person would wave their hands up, make some religious sentences, touch them, and say to them, their cured. :confused:

Or if not that way, in a similar way, do you believe that can happen?
Those church shows on tv that show healing like that --- here are my thoughts, do I think that it could happen? yes. Do I think it was that particular person who did it - not necessarily. Only God has powers like those, and sometimes he touches us in ways we don't even realize. If that person is truly healed at that moment - I would say it is a work of God. So I guess I believe such an idea is possible, but yet I believe it would be God who was in control of it all.
Yeah, as for vampires, I've known of people who drink blood. (In fact, I know a couple through a Christian fan/gamer site who drink each others' blood...whole different set of issues there...) As for supernatural creatures such as those depicted in pop culture and literature, no, I don't believe they exist. Again, I suppose demons could "pose" as vampires (or werewolves, or whatever they want); both angels and demons have far more power than many people acknowledge.

Phantom pointed out something very important: the whole concept of "undead" contradicts scripture. You are dead, or you are alive. There is no "in between," half-dead, half-alive state, and you can't pass back and forth between heaven and hell.
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Do you, or would you believe people, human beings like us, could possess Godly powers; healing the sick, etc?

Like in those, church groupings on TV, you would watch someone that has a big issue; paralized, blind, etc. Then the church person would wave their hands up, make some religious sentences, touch them, and say to them, their cured. :confused:

Or if not that way, in a similar way, do you believe that can happen?

These are the words of Jesus...Mark 16:17-18

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

The power of God is within us...well can be. Do I believe all evangelists are Godly and possess this power...Absolutely not, some of them I believe are con artists.

I have seen miraculous healings personally,including my son. I have seen devils cast out. I personally know a mentally handicapped girl that was healed and is now considered "normal". I know deaf people that have regained their hearing. This is the Power of God. I don't believe relics contain this power, I believe that we contain God's Power, as long as he resides in us.

As far as the aliens, bigfoot, nessie, etc. Any answer I give is speculation, so I don't have an answer. They are possible, but there is really no proof I know of one way or another.
Corpfox said:
I forgot one more, what about Vampires, do you believe in them? And would they be relative to a religious concept, like in several movies; Dracula 2000, etc?

There is indeed a relation between Vampire myths and religion - in fact, between Vampire legends and Christianity. Vampires were apparently very much believed-in by Orthodox christians in the dark ages.

From Wikipedia:

"Through the 9th and 10th centuries, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the western Roman Catholic Church were struggling with each other for supremacy. They formally broke in 1054 AD, with the Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians, and Serbians staying Orthodox, while the Poles, Czechs, and Croatians went Roman. This split caused a major difference in the development of vampire lore: The Orthodox church believed incorrupt bodies were vampires, while the Roman church believed they were saints. At that time, vampire beliefs were common in (Catholic) Poland, and there is little indication they were less common in Croatia than among the Serbs."

I have not researched whether the Orthodox church OFFICIALLY taught that the 'incorrupt bodies were vampires' (keep in mind the Wikipedia entry above could have been written or edited by ANYBODY).

Vampires as you see in hollywood movies and TV shows like Buffy certainly do not exist and never have. If they did, then there would be a lot more congruity between earlier legends about Vampires and modern stories and 'accounts'. But until the 19th century, Vampires legends unanimously depicted them as either "hideous, monstrous creatures" or miserably tortured demon-possessed humans rather than the cunning, complex sexy/evil highlander-types depicted by modern novels and hollywood.

I believe God can and does work miracles. I am, however, quite skeptical about TV preaching shows and miracles, due to personal experiences. I'm sure there is some legit, honest stuff of that type happening. Having been "helped" once (pulled backwards onto the ground, while the people who did it acted as if I had been knocked down by the power of God), I know some of it is faked...which is too bad, because it calls into question the legitimate work of God.

I believe God works miracles every single day; but most of them are far less showy.
Now that we are really going in the relics direction, Hows this one. Do you believe that "holy" relics hold special powers or properties? Like the Shroud of Turin, or Ark of the Coventant or a sliver of the cross that Jesus carried?

(Hey, I was in history and this topic came up, sorta, and I thought to ask the rest of you.)
I'll post my thoughts after a couple otehr people post. :D
Corpfox said:
Some people have been looking for the Holy Grail. I guess finding it would make the Bible more believable that God/Jesus existed.

Would you believe the Holy Grail existed, or didn't?

Other than that, the other stuff that could or could not be believable.

Big Foot
Lockless Monster
Evil Spirits
Adbonable Snow man
Death (The Grim Reaper)
Aliens (UFO)
Mother Nature


Holy grail: it existed, probably didn't survive. Unless you believe the DaVanci Code version of the grail story. :confused:

Bigfoot/Abominable Snowman: Probably a legend that started as a semi-historical account of a huge hermit living in the woods/snowy mountains.

Nessie: As I believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis, I believe that humans and dinosaurs co-existed for a time before most dinosaurs became extinct (crocodiles, alligators, and monitor lizards are the exceptions that survived). Nessie was probably a plesiousaur (or family of plesiousaurs, the Bible calls this creature "leviathan") that did inhabit that lake briefly after the Flood. However, the lake probably wasn't large enough to support plesiousaurs, so they died-- but the legend lives on.

Ghosts: Scripture mentions one ghost-- that of Samuel, summoned by Saul at the hands of an oracle. I believe our spirits live on through eternity, but that we are not able to come back unless God ordains it (as in the above example, also as in the Revelation prophets Moses and Elisha, who will return for 3 1/2 years in both body and spirit).

Evil Spirits: Demons.

Death: God alone has power over life and death. No dice.

Aliens (UFOs): I have no doubt that our God, being a creative God, might not have stopped with creating beings on ONLY Earth. However, I highly doubt that He would allow us to communicate with other beings, so I doubt it's a question that can be answered with certainty this side of eternity.

Ma Nature: No way.

However, I have another one for you. How about Greek/Roman myths? Before you dismiss this completely, let's take the perspective that the Greek/Roman "gods" may have actually been demons with real supernatural powers. This would explain the infighting among them that is so prevalent in their stories. This would also provide an explanation for the myth of Hercules-- half-man, half-god-- he may have been a Nephilim, which the Bible speaks of in Genesis.

Just some more food for thought. This is the first fun question I've seen on the RD boards in a long time. :)
Big Foot: Most likely not. But there could be. I'd say about 99% of the video footage of big foot isn't real. Look at the Nephilim. Goliath and his whole family were Giants. I believe that God did not create Giants, it doesn't make much sense why he would. I would not put it past Satan though. He will do whatever he can to find a loophole in God's master plan, even if it includes creating a mockery or an abomination.

Loch Ness Monster: I had a Christian adventurer dude come into my church about 2 years ago and talked about dinosours. He ventured to Kenya and him and his wife almost ran something over during the day. It ran off the road with immense speed and it looked like something close to a small dinosour. He also said he communicated with tribes of natives down there. They talked of a "great beast" in their story-telling. I'm not quite sure about this one.

Ghosts: The dead most definately do NOT walk around after they die, despite a vendetta of any sort. It's just logical. "Hey i'm dead, i'm going to go walk around and scare some people now". Yeah, don't think so.

Evil Spirits: Demons DO exist. All those ghostly paranormal shows are absolute rubbish. It says somewhere in the bible NOT to assossiate with demons. All "ghosts" or "spirits" are in fact demons. They just sit and wait for you to invite them into your body so they can totally pwn you. People DIE from demons people. I bet NO ONE could find ONE person who has been posessed in a "nice" manner.

Abominable Snow Man: Highly doubt it. But possibly.

Death (The Grim Reaper): Definately not. Like people have said already, God is the life/death guy.

Aliens (UFO): An interesting one to debate. Many people believe UFO's are a satanic phenominon. Someone mentioned fallen angels being UFO's. It could very well be! I have a great documentary on it, done by a Christian man who believes it's true. The facts seem pretty straight.

Mother Nature: No. Possibly a Pagan belief. More Goddess mumbo jumbo. God is the creator of all things beautiful.

Nephilim: Some say Goliath suffered from a disease that makes you very tall and gargantuan. I personally believe that strange beings like Giants and stuff are created by Satan. Perhaps he made them to interfere with the Messiah's bloodline. To interrupt the birth of our Christ? That's just my view. (P.S. He'll never find that loophole!)

Those are my two cents.
I think we are looking at the trees but not the forest. Each one of the things listed can hold some facination. I must admit that I know some good ghost, I love Egyptian and Greek mythology as well as ancient Judeo-Christain history. But, the items in the tales or the stories themselves are just that. How many of these items are presented before us to distract us from our walk with the Lord?

Remember that adversary (satan) will use whatever tools necessary to drive us away from God. Sometimes, it is not a direct attack, but a subtle one. How easy is it to loose sight of our path and get distracted, even with objects that appear to be Christian?

To me the Holy Grail is a myth but it is one that I hope exists.

The Ark of the Covenant is not a myth but it has the making of becoming a myth.

According to the bible the real one is in heaven.
The one that was made was a copy of it.

There is a belief now that there is a copy of the ark made for the Queen of Sheba but instead of her taking the copy she took the real one and it now resides in her land and is under watch until Israel rebuilds the 5thTemple.