Faces behind the chars

lol that shirt was given to me by Fjorboug. Ansley's shirt (the one in the pic with her in San Jose) says "I'm with Pwned"...and usually, it's pointing at me.

Thanks a bunch FJ! Now she shows it off...all the time that I'm pwned!
Waiting in between Intermediate Spanish 201 and Intro to Liberal Arts, this was probably the best way I could have spent an hour and a half of my time.
I have not posted my pictures so here they are! =]

My court photo's (Duke and Prince =]) (The first one I am holding my best friends shoe for some reason) (and the second one I'm kneeling with my friend's leg on me... we have weird poses...)

And this is me, my sister, and her beautiful son (My nephew) Jaydin

Enjoy =]]
Your beloved Flame! (I don't know how to make it smaller)
