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The next person is planning to watch the 200th Stargate SG1 episode

Kel Queen of all Europe
wrong...I haven't even seen the 1st episode...or any other

I am going to watch the Visitation

Speaking of which the next person does not know who wrote the Visitation.
Wrong. Frank perretti did

The next person owns a hair brush
My answer depends on how you define "exercises" ^_^ (So most likely wrong! :eek: )

The next person knows HTML.
what happend to the question/prediction thing.... do i win!

the next person will say i didnt win :(
Right! You didn't win! Mwahahaha!

Next person will like the Amazing Screw-On Head if they watch the pilot. Or at least thinks the idea sounds cool, if they don't have the time. :)
well, it's one of those gray areas...

I saw the trailer and got excited, but forgot the name and couldn't search for it.
and now, well, I'm just to tired.

the next person can believe it's not butter.
Of course.

The next person to read this didn't see the original Star Wars in the theatre when it first came out. (I did, but most of you are too young...)
Wrong...i had a mesmer then deleted it.....but i want a mesmer when i get a new slot open.

The next person doesnt eat breakfast in the morning and sleeps in late.

You are supposed to post something about the next person who posts! :eek:

Uh, Wrong! I get up early (6am) and eat an oatmeal and eggs breakfast every day that I am not running late, otherwise it's just some cold cereal.

The next person plays an instrument.
Piano, bongos, a djimbe once, and soon to be a bass guitar. Good job...

The next person has bad gas when they eat forty pounds of raw garlic
Uhm... possibly?! (I've never eaten that much raw garlic :confused: )

Wow, you are quite talented! And the djimbe, even. That's a great percussion instrument.

The next person likes cows.
hehehehehe, you know it.

the next person owns a real sword