Guild Wars a la Vista

Honestly, I think if I could right-click with OSX, I'd be sold... not that I'd be able to afford it right now or anything. I'm just incredibly dependant on the right-click.

I remember in my Info. Systems class hearing Windows operates under a menu-based system (a la right-click, etc.), and I think that's why we get along so well. Macs do a good job throwing everything in your face, so it's reeeaaallly easy to do things, but to me, it doesn't feel as organized, so I get uncomfortable with it.


PS- If you can stand a bit of cursing, check this out: Basically just this guys rants on Macs, but I thought it was pretty funny...
you can right-click with osx. any usb 3 button pc mouse will work under OSX and i think then you have your right-click..have to talk with thom on that one to confirm.
pretty good since i don't have to worry about virii/spyware/etc etc etc....That's why i have more Linux machines in my house than windows desktops. Also i don't play 7 games so it's a non-issue for me and more and more people.


1) Neither do I!
2) You spell the plural form of "virus" "virii"?
you can right-click with osx. any usb 3 button pc mouse will work under OSX and i think then you have your right-click..have to talk with thom on that one to confirm.

Sure you can use a right click button and it will work. However, on 90% of the interface it does nothing! Most things just don't have a right click menu. Sure you can right click on them but it doesn't do anything.
This reminds me of the good ol days of people getting banned.... BTW where is Vibro?
vibro has not done the required things to regain his posting rights..

There's nothing in this thread that would get anyone banned so what good old days are you referring to?

for the record, that last post of mine was me getting angry that the greater computers cost more. "you get what you pay for"

There's nothing in this thread that would get anyone banned so what good old days are you referring to?

*fondly recalls my two bannings*
*remembers that they weren't fond*
*also remembers that the experiences left me bitter and cynical*
*frowns and goes off to eat cookie dough*

vibro has not done the required things to regain his posting rights..

If it's anything like what I had to do, he'd at least have to apologize for what he did and then he might get the priviledges back.

Knowing vibro, we won't be seeing him for a while. *fondly recalls the M$ vs. Mac vs. Linux vs. Hello Kitty arguments*
*remembers that Hello Kitty was no part of it*