lulzthread(tm): Tek's Thrifty Principles Have Ruined Me!

I think what is important here is to take Moderation, Self Discipline, and Self Control seriously. The Alcohol is not the root here and to make it so is to be legalistic.
Well, I kind of thought it was self-evident why alcohol should be taken seriously... and I just wanted to say seriously a lot in a one-sentence post.

Wait, didn't this start out as a lulzthread?
As long as it's on steam and it's on sale (50 to 75%), if I want it I buy it. Well, sometimes even if I don't want it I'll buy it just because everyone else has it. TF2 trading and the Steam market have given me a fully stuffed wallet. I think at this point I have 20 or so games I have bought, activated and then never played.

(and to a point there is nothing wrong with being legalistic as long as you don't base your salvation nor your holiness upon it)
I've paid "full" price for two games - SWTOR and GW2. I now subscribe again to Tek's Law of Frugality. If a game comes out that I think I might like, I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon and be there at launch (unless it's a F2P). I'll wait until it drops in price.

On the alcohol subject, I agree with others that the bible teaches us not to get drunk and that we have to be careful not to cause a brother or sister to stumble. I like to have a nice craft or imported beer once in a while. I dislike the mass-produced domestic swill. By the way, when I lived in Europe, I discovered that it's pretty much just American Christians that may have a hangup about alcohol.

Here's a story about a friend's reaction to alcohol. Many years ago, my wife and I invited my old roommate from the AF Academy and his wife over to dinner. She had made a really good fondue. About halfway through, my friend's wife asked what was in it.... My wife had used about half a bottle of beer for flavor. It cooked so long that the alcohol portion was long gone. After my wife mentioned the beer, they literally spit out what they had in their mouths, got up and left. We were stunned. She never made it again. :(
I am on a fixed budget so buying any game can be a sacrifice, GW2 is the most recent purchase, I saved for months ahead for it. Since purchasing an indie pack at Steam that I only use a 3rd of I have decided to stick to things that I really have the ability for.
Now on alky, I personally believe that beer or wine is acceptable, but there are too many weak brothers and sisters out there for me to justify it's use anymore. Also I found I had too much a taste for vodka many long years ago. So the Salvation Army, which I'm a member of, requests that you agree to total abstinence from drugs and alky to be a Soldier so no problem. The issue in the SA goes back a long ways because they have always had a large number of recovering alcoholics as members, why make life hard on them? We even have officers (pastors) who have been down the alky road in the past. The Bible makes it clear that we should be mindful of our weaker brothers and sisters, so what am I missing abstaining?
I want to see your list of careful buying guides and such!
One of these days, Gator.

One of these days...

I had previously thought about starting a Frugal Flamingo meme, but never got around to it. Even had the stock photo picked out and the first caption drafted. :D
One of these days, Gator.

One of these days...

I had previously thought about starting a Frugal Flamingo meme, but never got around to it. Even had the stock photo picked out and the first caption drafted. :D
Please make this happen! :D
One of these days, Gator.

One of these days...

I had previously thought about starting a Frugal Flamingo meme, but never got around to it. Even had the stock photo picked out and the first caption drafted. :D

Perhaps you should make a procrastination meme instead... >_>
