Planetgate Chronicles: PLG-1

After the very awkward run in with Los and Abea, we decided we needed to know two things. One, where was Koa, and is he safe, and two, just what are these new comers up to. Since she is building right by him, we send Abea to search out Koa at his place, while Los and I hike back to the Stargate. As we get closer to the gate, we can see great air ships flying all around, and they have built even more since the last time I came through here! They have almost taken over the whole mountain top! This isnt looking good, specially with the attack on the bunker.. We have to find Koa!

Los and I decide that someone needs to stay here again, and monitor the activity of the newcomers.. Since Los is faster over land than I am, its decided that he is going to rush back to join Abea, and hopefully Koa, and come up with a plan. As he runs off towards Koa's, I begin making preperations for my stay. Hopefully I wont be seen this time...
When I arrived at the Catakou, I find Chef Krasnov washing dishes and listening to some classical music. He informed me that Koa, suited up and armed, had set out in the dead of night to investigate the planetgate once more. The Chef was very displeased with this decision, but there was nothing he could do to stop Koa. At least I know Koa WAS safe for a time. I hope he hasn't run off and done something foolish.

Not sure what to do, I decided to wait out the night on the Catakou. I'll figure out what to do in the morning.
Ah yes. The Catakou. The largest airship I've built to date. Quite an upgrade from the older Caspertine model I once adhered to. But after the loss of the Caspertine III, I figured it was time to build something larger, and sturdier. Though chances are this may be the only ship of its kind. We shall see.

I see, however, that the light in the guest room is on. Perhaps someone is waiting for me to check back, one of my neighbors. Lost maybe? One? Can't tell from this distance. Won't be able to tell tonight. The scout ship is almost out of sight and I need to follow it. See where it's going. Is it just scouting, or does it have a more devious plan in mind?

Wrote a brief note before I headed out in the darkness. Night, why is it always night? Was able to tie it to an arrow and shoot it up onto the ship. Hopefully it doesn't hit anyone. Nurse Coyne should be able to patch them up fine if it does. Gotta see where this ship is going.

***Note on Arrow***

No time to visit. Tracking scout ship. Shall return after.

Captain Johnson

"Hm... my castle is somewhat safe... now I want a vessel with offensive and defensive capabilities. Let's see what's on Ebay... Oh, this looks good!" <clicks Buy It Now> "Overnight 'shipping,' of course." I'll park it by ToJ town.

I'll call her... MCSS Wisconsin.
As I was hunkered down waiting out the night, and hoping not to see any action, I started to hear the strangest sound. It started out like like a little babbling brook, but soon turned into a huge river of noise. I got up from my makeshift bed (I forgot to pretty much pack anything in my haste...) and walked over to where I could see the gate, as it seemed to be coming from that direction..

Expecting to see a dormant ring, man was I surprised! The gate was active once again! What did this mean? Did those on the other side have the power to activate, and deactivate it on command? If so, who are they, and did they place it here? Was Koa still on the other side of that thing? At that moment, I decided there where too many questions that were unanswered, and the smart thing to do would be to stay put, and wait for Los to return. But who said anything about me making the smart decisions? I scurried to find a rock that would be sharp enough, and scraped out a note on a tree:

"Gate. Open. Went in. -Ben."

Hopefully they will be able to read that.. But I couldn't think about that anymore, all I could think about was getting through that gate.. As I got up to the gate, I could feel the energy pulsating out of it. I tried to pass my hand through; it went through like air, no harm done. I started to get second thoughts as I stood there, but then remembered that those great ships had come through it, and so has Koa, so it couldn't be that bad. I closed my eye, and stepped through.

Nothing could prepare me for the feeling I felt as I passed through. There was an intense sensation, like being pulled apart into a million different pieces, but not in pain; It wasn't pain, or pleasure. Just as soon as it had come, it went, and I felt myself standing on hard ground. I opened my eyes and took my first glimpse of what I can only imagine is an alien world..


It felt that I had stood there for an eternity, just staring. This didn't look like the world those flying machines had come from, unless there was another gate in another part of that world.. This world looked very similar to ours.. As I shook my head to clear it, I took my first steps.

I walked for a little bit, and realized that I needed to be careful and not get lost, as I had let the PlanetGate get out of my sight. As I climbed a small hill to look for it, I got a better glimpse of the world I was in. It was spectacular. That's all I could say to describe it. As I continued to explore, I could feel my stomach starting to talk to me, and remembered, I hadn't brought any supplies... Looks like I was in luck though, there are supplies in chests all around me.. I don't see anyone around, and I am sure they would understand. I also see signs, directing people where to go.. I wonder what they are for? Looks like there are supposed to be books in come of the chests, but they are long gone...

As it started to get dark, I found a cozy little house to bunk down in. Hopefully, if someone does live here, they wont mind me sleeping in one of their beds... Funny thing that; I haven't seen one person here, since i went through the gate...