Progression Karazhan - Tuesday/Saturday

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Two things, first off we have a patch coming up. If this occurs tomorrow we might postpone it for a day or two depending on how bad the mods are broken. Please login at least 10 mins before the run to find out. Second here is a list of the people for the run.

Tanks: Azolas and ?????? (still missing one)
Healers: Valkride and Berstromme. (IMCU as backup)
DPS: Ambryana, Buto, Esua and Radrune.
Now we have a possibility that two people will not be able to make it the entire time: Xandar and Durruck. With that said I would like it if Lloki and Lilred could fill in those days they are not here. I know that this Saturday neither one can make it.

If anyone listed can not make it now please let me know and I will find more replacements.
I'm unfortunately on the road traveling this week so I can't do Tuesday. I'll be back by Sat though, hopefully mods will be fixed by then...or grab one of your back up healers for Tuesday.
Due to some scheduling issues, I would like to move this Saturdays run to Thursday. If there are issues with this, please let me know.
I don't know that I can make it Mike, and I know that Kevin is out. I have something at 8:30 server time, do you think we could be done?
to elaborate on what Ben said, I have the "superbowl" of intramural football tomorrow night, and I play offensive line...currently I'm a starter unless we can reverse a decision to suspend one of our linemen. That said, if the run is over in time for me to get there and play at 8:30 server...or if it starts nearer to 10:00 server...then I'm in. Unfortunately, I know that's about exactly the middle of when the most people are available. I hope it works out.

PS. I can make Sat for sure, if it comes to that. =D
Looking to try and do Curator and Chess this Monday the 26th of November. Not a scheduled night I know, but will take whoever is available. Need a couple of tanks another healer and a half along with some dps. Will try to start around 630 pm server...can start as late as 730pm and still get the two events done in a reasonable amount of time. We can try Shade of Aran if we are feeling froggy...
I think that Berstromme was looking to do an impromptu follow up run. I can't make it (stuck at work with no hope of leaving)
If we get enough great if not no worries. I know it is not a scheduled night for the run, but if we can muster 10 more practice at Curator is a good thing, many have only downed him once or twice. From there it's about an hour or so to Chess Event loot.
Just an FYI, due to some RL issues that have arisen I will not be able to attend the next couple of weeks of runs. There are a few things at work that requires me to put in some extra time. I hope to be back soon, it all depends on how soon I get a couple of things taken care of.
Ugh. that stinks. Where's Ron? :)

If nothing else, I'll post a signup in GC - trying for the same base group. I won't be able to make every scheduled run, so someone else may need to step in and take care of running events in the case that Mike, Ron, and I aren't around.

Just got back from a traveling family vacation.

Starting the week of Dec 3, I will be able to lead two weeks worth of runs, so this covers some of the time Mike will be out. Nice the way that timing worked out for the run.
At the request of several people at the end of last night's run, we're going to give a shot towards Curator, et al on Friday.

I know this conflicts with Rhys' run. I only scheduled what was ask of me. For anyone that is a regular in Rhys' run, please just let us know which run you're planning on going to so that we can find temporary fill-ins.

If we run too short, we'll just cancel and let Rhys' run go through.

We are also tentatively scheduled for ZA on Saturday morning, 8:30 server. We can always head back to KZ when we finish whatever we plan on doing in ZA. The only fight I've seen is the bear, so I'm only really ready to explain that one.
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