PSN Game List??? Name your price


Legacy of Elijah Guild Leader
Thanks for replies guys, please keep them coming, especially with respect to games others have expressed interest in.

-- Current List of Online Games--
Downloadable Games

  • Castle Crashers: Keero Owned, OmegaAmen Owned, Ryan Owned, Tek $10
  • Fat Princess: AVSkillet Owned, Keero Owned, OmegaAmen Owned, Zanthox Owned, Darkbot Owned, Ryan Owned
  • Gunstar Heroes: Ryan Owned
  • Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light: Tek TBD
  • Pixeljunk Eden: Tek7 (ASAP)
  • Pixeljunk Monsters: Ryan Owned
  • Turtles in Time Re-shelled: Ryan Owned, Tek7 ASAP
  • Tetris: Tek7 $10
  • X-Men Arcade: Ryan $10, Tek TBD; This one seems to have garnered a lot of interest so please reply!
Disc-based Titles
  • Blur: Ryan Owned, currently @ Newegg for $20
  • Demon's Souls: Ryan Owned, Tek TBD
  • Ghostbusters: Ryan Owned, this is a fun, cheap title
  • Sonic & Sega All-stars Racing: Tek $17, Ryan $17, This one seems to have garnered a lot of interest
  • Uncharted 2 GOTY Edition: Tek $35, Ryan $35
  • White Knight Chronicles: Keero Owned, Kendrik Owned, Ryan Owned
PSN+ Games
Not exclusive to PSN+, but high likelihood folks have these, need to finish this list soon
  • Critter Crunch: Tek Owned, Ryan Owned

Started to update this filling in games from the game list thread, but not wanting to dupe. I'm really trying to make this a "lets schedule X game" deal. For reference, though, check:
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Ok, I think we have a problem. We do one of two things:
1) Hey guys, what games ya'll got?!
2) New game comes out, some snag on release, some show interest, etc

I think this is creating a "staggered" community for us. Just as an example...I bought Castle Crashers on day 1, and played the daylights out of it. I'll still be interested once Tek picks it up, but it won't be quite the same. When we played WKC we were at different spots for a while, and I think that made playing online together more difficult/less fun. Same would go for Sacred, which is a great hack'n'slash.

Simply put, a lot of times, folks are done with a game before others begin, losing the opportunity for community.

My goal for this thread is to do three things:
1) Name your price. This includes PSN games (typically $10 for a $15 game), retail sales ("I will buy this when it hits $20"), or waiting for games with DLC to come out with a "game of the year" edition.

This isn't some sort of a contract signed in blood, but it'd be nice that if folks decide "yeah we'll snag this @ $30" that we do it. I'd be willing to pay a bit more for a game (like $30 instead of waiting for $20) if I knew I'd have the company of you fine folks.

This might also save us money - I know I'd think very, very hard about buying a game I was hyped about @ $40 or $60 if the consensus here was $25-30.

2) Keep an eye on games that folks had expressed interest, and discuss as it reaches our threshhold.

3) Discuss PSN+ online games - this is a great way to "line up" the time we're playing an online game...if we all have PSN+ when it drops, great. Other folks might also consider picking up a 3mo sub if they knew we would play.

Bottom line - I'll put it like this: I think most of us that are active on here have similar tastes in online games. I also think we are cheapskates, but in a "good steward" kind of way. So let's give each other more reason to maybe pay a few more (or less) bucks to line up our game time.
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Honestly, I know it's an extra expense to most everyone here who isn't you or me at the moment, but I think PSN+ is a great way to get us playing games together. Not every game that's made free has online play, but many do. If we all had PSN+ from the start, we would have also had Wipeout HD.

$50 isn't a small amount of money, but it's definitely an excellent value for 15 months of game downloads, discounts, and bonuses. I know I'm starting to mimic your sales pitch tendencies, but what can I say? I'm a believer now. XD

*obligatory True Believers reference*

That aside, I like your idea of a price list. Problem for me is that, even when a game hits a "I'd spend this on it" level, my purchasing is still limited by my available finances. Until I have a job, I have practically no finances available any more (Christmas done knocked me out).

For full disclosure, I'll pull from school money if that's what it takes to get Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on release day. That's definitely the exception, though. I don't want to make a practice of doing that any more.

To give you something direct for your list, Castle Crashers for $10 is on my list. I think that's what Tek said sometime before, so I'll match it. I have no doubts that it's worth the $15, but a sale, especially with having PSN+, seems inevitable. Though the game would undoubtedly be fun, it's not on my list of games I'm hyped about, so I'm okay with waiting it out.

If I can get Sacred 2 for $15 with free shipping, I'd do it (new or used doesn't bug me much). I have Prime for Students, so anything that's processed by Amazon herself (even if sold by another party) ships free for me.
$50 isn't a small amount of money, but it's definitely an excellent value for 15 months of game downloads, discounts, and bonuses. I know I'm starting to mimic your sales pitch tendencies, but what can I say? I'm a believer now. XD

Welcome to the dark side...we have cookies!

That aside, I like your idea of a price list. Problem for me is that, even when a game hits a "I'd spend this on it" level, my purchasing is still limited by my available finances. Until I have a job, I have practically no finances available any more (Christmas done knocked me out).

I've been a bit tight myself and my bi-weekly allowance has been on hold a bit. I'll be re-instituting that after the first of the year, but to be honest, I don't expect to be buying a lot of games. Right now I'm too busy working on DPS titles in Guildwars and working towards getting my last 4 hall of monument points.

Long story short, in the interest of playing together, I would be happy to lend or give some bucks (within reason) to any ToJ member in good standing. I can gift things on PSN (I think?) or Paypal some cash.
If the PSN game is sold on Amazon (and a lot are), you can buy the game code and have it emailed to someone. Pretty sure most states avoid tax this way (bonus savings!). And, if you use SwagBucks like I do, you can get $5 Amazon gift cards every few weeks. Not a lot... but a nice bit of extra cash that I didn't have to do anything (other than use its search bar instead of my address bar) to earn.

I need to look at the game lists again... see what would be best to pick up.

Though I'm thinking X-Men Arcade could be awesome. :p
Almost all purchases are conditional and dependent on securing long-term employment or additional gift money.

Downloadable games

  • Rocket Knight: As soon as reasonably possible. <3 for Rocket Knight Adventures
  • Castle Crashers: Will purchase at $10 price point
  • Pixeljunk Eden: As soon as reasonably possible
  • Turtles in Time Re-shelled: As soon as reasonably possible
  • Tetris: Day 1 if release price is $10, delayed if greater than $10
  • X-Men Arcade: TBD, depends in part on if 2-player online feature is present
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Will purchase immediately if online co-op added, TBD and low priority otherwise
  • Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box: TBD and depending heavily on if my wife and other ToJ members are interested in playing
  • Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light: Dependent entirely on if my wife likes the game.

Disc-based titles

  • Uncharted 2 GOTY Edition: Will purchase at $35 price point after finishing Uncharted 1
  • 3D Dot Game Heroes: May purchase at $15 price point
  • Valkyria Chronicles: May purchase at $15 price point
  • BlazBlue: Continuum Shift: May purchase at $25 price point
  • Eternal Sonata: May purchase at $15 price point
  • Sonic & Sega All-stars Racing: TBD and depending heavily on if my wife and other ToJ members are interested in playing. Would spend no more than $17
  • Demon's Souls: May skip entirely if impractical, $15 price point otherwise
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Tek, are all those titles online co-op?

Out of what you listed that plays online, I currently have:
Castle Crashers - would be up for playing this, love this game)
Turtles in Time - would like to play this online, still missing a lot of the trophies; hoping for Turtles (2) Arcade and Manhatten Project
Demon's Souls - the more the merrier

Would gets:
XMen Arcade - Immediately if we schedule a game night. This one seems to have the most interest currently, and I can convert some BB rewards card to PSN bucks
Uncharted 2: Likely would pay $30+ range if we had some folks to play with
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing - I've heard great things about this game, enjoyed the demo, and keep almost picking it up. Would defintely pick up @ $15-20 if we scheduled some time.
Thanks for replies so far all. Based on this thread and others, I think the most current interest among folks is for:

X-Men Arcade
Sonic & Sega All-stars Racing

Anyone else have anything that's already out or coming out soon that you're hyped about?
Anyone else have anything that's already out or coming out soon that you're hyped about?

Tetris Tetris Tetris.

I'm an above average Medic in TF2. I can hold my own in L4D2 as Survivors, not so much as Infected. I get steamrolled by UT3 chapter members every time I play. I'm on the low end of the StarCraft II skill spectrum among ToJ members. Kendrik clearly has the edge against me in Super Street Fighter IV and Tekken 6. Mostly_Harmless annihilated me in Planet Puzzle League.

But other puzzle games? Totally different story.

I'd love to play Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and Critter Crunch against other ToJ members, but there doesn't seem to be much interest in these titles. (I still don't regret picking either up; they're easily my two most played on the PS3 so far.)

I would think there's at least SOME interest in Tetris among our members, though. I know it's highly unlikely that versus multiplayer in a console Tetris game won't be as sharp, fun, or customizable as Tetrinet, but there should be far more people playing it.

Tek, are all those titles online co-op?
Not all, no. I just got on a roll and started typing out nearly every game I'm considering purchasing in the future.
I may just buy X-men right out, regardless of price. I love me some beat-em ups. Especially this one because Colossus has a non-canon lolwut asplosion attack.

And I do own Sonic racing too. :)
I was really hoping X-Men would be on Amazon. I have a five dollar gift card that I would have applied toward it. It's not in that store, though. Boo. If all of y'alls are getting it... I may just have to deal with the ten dollar purchase and get it, too.
So we've got RyanB, Kendrik, Keero, and me interested in buying X-Men Arcade. If I can confirm that my wife and I can play online together and with others, that gives us 5 players. If RyanB's wife or one of Keero's brothers are interested in playing, that could be our 6th.

Sounds like this is shaping up nicely for a Thursday night game night. What say you all?
I have family members who might jump in, too. ;)

Definitely interested in the game... just hopin' it shows up on Amazon's list in a few days so I don't have to spend entirely outta pocket.

Two of my brothers you mean.

/3 PS3 controllers

Darkbot may also pick it up. This he ponders, however.
My wife doesn't enjoy this type of game, but you have my axe. Also, I have a Truth Project group every other Thursday (I'm gone this week), so that's a consideration as well.

Time-wise I'm typically available 8:30 central on. Is that enough restrictions? Of course, in the event I can't make it, do go on without. :)
Definitely interested in the game... just hopin' it shows up on Amazon's list in a few days so I don't have to spend entirely outta pocket.
Thursday is tomorrow and Critter Crunch IS available on Amazon.

I feel your pain, what with being unemployed and all, but considering how few PSN games appear on Amazon, your waiting may be futile. :(

Also: Dibs on Nightcrawler.
Two of my brothers you mean.

/3 PS3 controllers
I figured you could have 2 players on the same console join an online game. I hadn't considered the possibility of 3 or 4.

Darkbot may also pick it up. This he ponders, however.
Understandable. Money's tight and there are just too many awesome games available on the PS3 for someone who doesn't have th fiscal resources and giant money bin of Scrooge McDuck to buy them all.

My wife doesn't enjoy this type of game, but you have my axe. Also, I have a Truth Project group every other Thursday (I'm gone this week), so that's a consideration as well.
So you're unavailable this Thursday? :(

Because that's when I was hoping to play, if we play this week. I typically take a break from games after my wife gets home on Fridays (around 7-7:30 p.m. Central) and Saturdays are Straturdays. Sundays are variable, though I try to limit my game time. Then there's Unreal Mondays, TF2sdays, and Left 4 Wednesdays, and we've cycled back around to Thursday.

Time-wise I'm typically available 8:30 central on. Is that enough restrictions? Of course, in the event I can't make it, do go on without. :)
I would think we'd play X-Men Arcade together more than once if two or more members buy the game.
So you're unavailable this Thursday? :(

Because that's when I was hoping to play, if we play this week. I typically take a break from games after my wife gets home on Fridays (around 7-7:30 p.m. Central) and Saturdays are Straturdays. Sundays are variable, though I try to limit my game time. Then there's Unreal Mondays, TF2sdays, and Left 4 Wednesdays, and we've cycled back around to Thursday.

I would think we'd play X-Men Arcade together more than once if two or more members buy the game.

Yup, defnitely unavailable. If I wasn't working Friday, I could play later. I'd say I could do it the Thursday after, but we'll already have folks in for Christmas. Magneto shall be stomped in good time.
Heads up: Fat Princess is only $8 on Amazon right now. Throwin' that out there. It's pretty silly stuff.

Also, probably gonna pick up X-Men today. Even if youse guise don't get it right away, most of my Shoryuken friends are playing it now. So, I won't be playing it by myself one way or the other.

Edit: Went ahead with it X-Men. Woot.
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I forgot to mention this a while back, but my wife did like Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light demo--until there was a timed event (i.e. "ZOMG DO THIS CO-OP THING NOW AND DO IT FAST OR YOU BOTH DIE!!!!11eleventy").

Still, if the game goes on sale for $10, I'd like to pick it up and play it with her again, despite the panic event in the demo.