Should religion have a place in politics

Didasko, you're welcome. :)

Now to the topic: My answer is yes.

Do I want my political leaders to be influenced by the Lord, yes. However, I don't expect it. Politics in American is based on democracy. Well, God never wanted us to be a democracy. He wanted a theocracy. Democracy is (yet again) man's way of trying to control things that God wants us to submit control of to Him. Therefore, our political leaders are forced to ignore the true wishes of God in order to run something that gives mankind the power instead of the Lord.

So, with the political system we now have, I do think that MY religion should have a place in politics. I think that MY religion should be overwhelmingly present in the lawmaking process. I think, ultimately, that we should support our politicians in prayer and abide by laws of the land (as God commanded) but remember that we are not OF this world and we are held to a higher set of standards than anything ever defined by mankind.
Mr. Slice, the specific question was, "Should religion have a place in politics", not should CHRISTIANITY have a place in politics.

Will you be just as eager if a Catholic were in charge? What about a Mormon? What about a neo-pagan? How about an atheist?

Would you be just as eager to have religion in politics if the religion wasn't your brand?

I will say, honestly, that your post truly frightens me.
I'm pretty sure that you already know my answer. I emphasized the word "my" because that is how I feel. No, I do not feel any other religion has a place in politics. And I don't feel that political actions should be done "in the name of God" either. But if there is going to be an influence, I want it to be a Christian one.

It scares you that I'm not accepting of the other world religions? God doesn't want us to be accepting. Do I love you just the same? Sure, I do! But I don't have to accept atheism because "it fits you." There is a major problem today with people thinking that they can just find a religion that fits them the best. If they don't like something they can just try out some other religion. You can call it "shopping for faith" and it's a world mentality. I do not accept other religions as okay. There is one God, one plan for salvation and one eternal resting place by His side.

Yeah, I want that God in my politics.
Change the word christian to muslum in your post and u would see the beginning of a great fundamentalist. U look at middle eastern countries that have become safe havens for terrorists, and u find politicians in their goverment who are not accepting to other religions. Their religion is right, yours is wrong. Their god is right.
God never wrote that there was freedom of religion. There is absolutely nothing in the word of God that supports that idea. The Israelites certainly didn't have freedom of religion when they were in the desert for 40 years. There is ONE way to eternal life and that is through our Savior. Any religion that states otherwise is keeping souls away from their Creator and the God who loves them.

I'm not taking a higher than thou attitude. I don't think I am one bit better than you. In fact, I want you and everyone else to know God the way I do. But I also refuse to play the game of acceptance and water down the Truth just to be a well-liked Christian. A Christian that is afraid to lay it out in black and white is doing no good to the great commission.
It's just that nobody on our side of the fence is willing to push people into ovens for being wrong...
Eon said:
It's just that nobody on our side of the fence is willing to push people into ovens for being wrong...

LOL...I'm not doing any pushing into ovens and neither is any other Christian. We might warn you about the wrath of God toward sin, but we sure don't have the ability to put you in hell even if we wanted to.

You are definitely looking at it from the other side of the fence though. We look at the warnings as a service. Trying to keep you from getting cooked. You look at it as though we are trying to put you in hell.

Big difference in perspective I guess.
Didasko said:
LOL...I'm not doing any pushing into ovens and neither is any other Christian. We might warn you about the wrath of God toward sin, but we sure don't have the ability to put you in hell even if we wanted to.

You are definitely looking at it from the other side of the fence though. We look at the warnings as a service. Trying to keep you from getting cooked. You look at it as though we are trying to put you in hell.

Big difference in perspective I guess.

Your warnings remind me of a mix of Chicken Little and the Boy Who Cried Wolf. 2,000 + years of it.
Unfortunately, Dizzy, most of your replies seem to be that anything that DOESN'T agree with your interpretation of a True Christian as the devil.

Even when 'infalliable' scripture has God pushing the button.
Eon said:
Unfortunately, Dizzy, most of your replies seem to be that anything that DOESN'T agree with your interpretation of a True Christian as the devil.

Even when 'infalliable' scripture has God pushing the button.

Oh my! We're not going to start resorting to name calling are we?
Does the name offend you? It's not supposed to be antagonistic.

I'll just call you Didasko from now on.
Eon said:
Does the name offend you? It's not supposed to be antagonistic.


Yes I suppose a 41 year old man should see 'dizzy' as a term of endearment when being called that in the heat of an argument;)

Back on topic:

To this point in this thread, I have still not seen any evidence that the Bush administration or America in general is heading toward theocracy in the least.

What gives the environmentalist left any more right to a place in politics than the Christian right?
I'll grant you that it was condescending, but it was really only meant to be a contraction of your online name. Diddy would have been better - but then I don't think a straight face would have been possible. ;)

As to your question about environmentalists, I'd be forced to say the increasing and very real evidence of climactic change in the world.