The person below me.... Part 2

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TRUE!! Had triple chocolate Ice cream last night...on top of some Reese's peanut butter cups (after they spent some time in the freezer of course) and to top all of that off some Godiva Chocolate covered almonds....Mmmm.

The person below me is allergic to chocolate.
I have many a chipped tooth.

IF you were allergic to chocolate, chances are you don't know what you are missing, therefor, no sad panda.

The person below gets a laugh everytime Elihu posts using their "Jon and Itsuka pick thier nose" avatar.
Totally true....just can't decide what I want to be when I grow up.

The person below me knows what I should be when I grow up....
False but I have several friends that were on missions trips out of the country this summer. Been praying for their safe returns since they should be coming home soon.

The person below me is/was a couch potato.
False, I'm a computer chair potato. (Although I actually do get out of it from time to time.)

The person below me wants to come to Reno to go scuba diving in Lake Tahoe with Abital and myself.
That would be cool. Then we could do Monterrey Bay!! I will book a trip for Feb!!

The person below me understands the irony in the above statement.
Tahoe in February? I'd rather be snowboarding, personally. But, hey, whatever floats (or freezes) your boat.

The person below me has seen Icthus wipe out on the slopes.
False. But I would truly love to see it....any videos or screenies?

The person below me has defeated Icthus in a duel.
They exist?

The person below is going to front me the $50,000 required capital to start a venture called "Icthus Bobbleheads and more!"
I must admit that $50,000 would be a tax write off for sure....

The person below me thinks bobbleheads are some kind of drink.
False, and I also know that Monterey is slightly warmer in Feb. than in July.

The person below me is already making travel arrangements for February.

(BTW Icthus, my wife and I are going to be in Monterey in September for advanced open water school. Wanna come?)
Would love to...if I was iin better condition ...and lived closer....and had a cool bike like you.

The person below me likes asparagus!
True actually. It's not bad. And I like vegetables....believe it or not. =P

The person below me likes brussel sprouts. X_x
No on brussel sprouts for me.

The person below me has ridden on a working brussel sprouts farm with the Avesther-Goblit family.
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