The person below me part two....

False... DiJourno pizza are kinda FTW... in speed anyway... but now I want a Burtolli dinner in a sack thing.

The person below me is excited about the new alliance!
True. I hope they'll be willing to spend some time integrating with some other folks and teach us their tactics.

The person below me is at work today.
False, but true my job rarely leaves me.

The person below me is thinking about a spouse date day, leaving the kids at home and playing all day together with the spouse.
True but with my significant other rather than spouse since I don't have a spouse....yet....or kids....

The person below me heard about the liquidation sale that Circuit City is having until the end of March after they announced their bankruptcy on Friday and will take advantage of this sale like I have and plan on doing. (Yay for buying an HP Mini just cuz it was pretty cheap and I could afford it and my mom wasn't helping me say no >.<)
False. Until I have gainful employment once again, I'll not be making any large purchases.

The person below me wonders why their WAR sig apparently stopped updating 11 levels ago.
False, I don't have an update-able sig.

The person below me is about to eat Mac-n-Cheese and head to the beach.
Big false on that one. I think I got what I normally get for a weekday. Fell asleep on the couch around 11, woke up at 2am to see that I had missed my boyfriend calling me around 12am, called him back and talked for an hour, then went back to bed and woke up at 7am. Yay for caffeine!

The person below me went to work today because they don't have today off or decided to float the holiday for something else.
False, but it is my normal day off, so I can take Friday off too!!!!

The person below me just cussed me.
False. I don't get jealous at other people's work schedules. I don't envy anyone with a 9-5 type job. I work 2 days a week....3 max - and make a darn good living on that schedule.

The person below me just cussed me :)
False. I have flexible hours and as long as I work the required hours each pay period, I can take a day off and work extra hours in the same period or float my holidays. I'm happy with my job as far as benefits and hours go. Some people I have to work with, however, could definitely be better.

The person below me watched the inauguration today.

I watched the inauguration and then right after that I had a 2.25 hour class where all we talked about was stereotypes and race. Both of which got tied to Obama in the end.
Since Odale didn't really answer Icthus' post...

False. There was a Star Wars marathon of the old movies on the Spike channel last week and I didn't watch it then.

The person below me is ready for warm weather.
True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True and True!

The person below me does not feel the same way.
True-ish. I like spring and fall the best, but winter > summer anyday.

The person below me has been looking at mortgage rates and considering refinancing or purchasing.
False-ish. Been looking at townhouses that are for sale in the area just for the fun of it and my mom keeps bringing up that I should buy soon since everything's pretty low right. But I haven't really looked at mortgage rates.

The person below me likes eating leftovers.
False. I like fresh food.

The person below me forgot to eat lunch today and had a massive head ache at 4:30 PM.