The person below me...

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False. I got one for my birthday from my wonderful boyfriend. ^_^

The person below me just had a delicious lunch that was provided by their place of employment. =D
False. I had a delicious lunch that was provided by my wife.

The person below me just got their internet connection back after a 36 hour outage at their ISP.
False. No outages for me in several months now.

The person below me has been without power for at least 4 days at some point in their life.

The person below me knows what it's like to have their wisdom teeth out... like me, now... =P

Vicodin FTW!

The person below me has been summoned for jury duty at least once in their life (I report tomorrow).
True, a little over a year ago I served on a jury. It was interesting.

The person below me not only served on a jury, but they also acquitted the defendant for lack of evidence (even though it really felt like the defendant was guilty)
False, but we did find them guilty on lesser accounts due to lack of evidence. Was very gut wrenching...

The person below me is thinking "what is this world coming to?"
False. I actually see the "world" as improving. But only because of the massive growth of christianity around the non western world.

The person below me knows what "water buffalo" theology is.
False, buffalo tastes good and I wish I could eat some.

The person below me has eaten buffalo before.
True. And it's my fault for not taking the initiative to go upstairs and make something.

The person below me watched a movie (today) that is at least 10 years old.
False. I just got home from jury duty; I wasn't selected- yay! Now, if only ther servers were up... :\

The person below me had (or has had) a burger from Whataburger.
False. Never heard of the place.

The person below me is using the server downtime to decorate for Christmas.
False. I'm at work and I'm waiting until my boyfriend comes down for the weekend and a couple days after to get decorations. I do have Christmas cookie cutters though! =D

The person below me has a headache and still has work to do. =(
False. Already at home.

The person below me did some basic maintenance on their furnace today (changing the filter, adjusting the humidifier, etc)
Indifferent. I hate chores, but that kinda stuff is easy.

The person below me is headed to bed in the next 20-30 minutes.
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