Ventrilo option.

Hescominsoon, i must also apologize again. when i tried getting TS going back in the day, it was back in the day... years and years ago. improvements could easily have been made during that time.
Okay, there seems to be a misunderstandings floating around in this thread, so I want to take a few minutes to clear them up.

Tribe of Judah's Aion legion is part of Tribe of Judah. That's why the Aion Guild Leader will be expected to report to the President, why any official expenses are expected to pass through our Accounts Manager, and why the guild will have the support of people experienced in creating Christian guilds before.

Membership in Tribe of Judah is required for membership in the Aion guild. If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to fill out the Tribe of Judah membership application here.

Future Guild Leaders may choose to add a "sponsorship program" where non-members can join the guild under the direct supervision of those sponsoring them--but that will have to wait at least until after the guild is established and the Guild Leader and Officers have settled in to their roles. I hesitate to even mention such a program here for fear it might create confusion, but didn't want anyone to be shocked in case Guild Leaders choose to add the program later. If this paragraph confused you, please disregard it entirely. :)

The Christian Gamers Alliance has no direct authority over Tribe of Judah, its chapters, or any other affiliate. The Alliance is a loose gathering rather than a ruling body.

I'll post about Tribe of Judah's policies regarding servers and finances in a reply later today or early tomorrow.
UXZero has been appointed to the position of Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader and discussion regarding adding channels for the Aion guild to Tribe of Judah's Ventrilo server has begun in the Staff Forum.
I'll post about Tribe of Judah's policies regarding servers and finances in a reply later today or early tomorrow.
Okay, as promised:

Tribe of Judah currently rents and manages several expenses:
  1. Team Fortress 2 server
  2. Call of Duty: World At War server
  3. Unreal Tournament 3 server
  4. Left 4 Dead server
  5. Ventrilo server
  6. Web hosting
  7. Domain registration
All of our game servers are listed under a single GameServers account. Our web site and e-mail addresses are hosted by GearHost. We rent a Ventrilo server from HurricaneHost.

All of those accounts are managed by notashamed, Tribe of Judah's incredibly helpful Accounts Manager. All expenses are paid using member donations.

Tribe of Judah has two financial accounts: One Paypal account and one bank account.

It's a system we've established through trial and error over several years. It's a system that we've found to work very well.

Instead of members sending funds to a server rental company, they send funds to our Paypal address (donations AT toj DOT cc). Those funds are then applied toward our expenses. Members can specify what they want their money to go toward.

If a member finds himself or herself in a situation where they can not afford to continue donating on a monthly basis, they can easily cancel their subscription. Our Accounts Manager will be notified and, if the need is great enough, I can communicate the need for more funds to members.

Staff members (including Guild Leaders and Officers) still get the access they need to fulfill their responsibilities. For example, if a Chapter Leader requests space on the Tribe of Judah web site, the Lead Web Developer (or, since the position is currently vacant, the President :)) will create an account for the Chapter Leader or the Chapter Web Developer to use to upload the chapter site and send that information to the appropriate staff.

Our current setup ensures that important resources stay online even if donating members suddenly face financial troubles and need to cancel their monthly donations. (Members can also make one-time donations; see the Support ToJ page for more information.)

The only difference for a member wanting to help support Tribe of Judah financially is that they send the money to Tribe of Judah (where both the Accounts Manager and the President have access to funds, thus keeping both accountable) instead of to a hosting company. Important resources like game servers and our web site are still available to and funded by members.

Financial transparency is a key Tribe of Judah policy. Toward that end, Tribe of Judah's Accounts Manager maintains a financial accounts status thread, which you can view here.

Tribe of Judah does not "rattle the tin cup" and I encourage members to donate only after paying their bills and tithing to their local church. While I wholeheartedly believe in Tribe of Judah, its mission, and its people, I would be out of line in asking people to send donations without advocating financial responsibility.

Tribe of Judah relies on member donations and we take financial prudence very seriously. Our aim in retaining management of Tribe of Judah resources is not to slight members, but rather to make sure those resources remain available and secure.

EDIT: And just to be clear: Suggestions and questions are welcome. Both imply that the members posting have a desire to improve Tribe of Judah and faith in its leadership to listen.
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Is my CGA username the same required to register? If so, do u want me to send in an alternate app since i did not fill one out through CGA. If not, hmmm, someone has Fade already? :(... (lol)
Is my CGA username the same required to register? If so, do u want me to send in an alternate app since i did not fill one out through CGA. If not, hmmm, someone has Fade already? :(... (lol)
If you're asking about applying to Tribe of Judah, then we don't have any members with the handle Fade.

If your question is in regards to the CGA TeamSpeak Server, the CGA forums and CGA TS server use separate user databases, so you'll need to register an account as outlined here.

Or is your question regarding something else? Let me know and I'll do my best to help. :)
An account with that username has already been registered. If you joined ToJ in the past, you may have an inactive account. Contact to have your account re-activated.

it may be possible that i registered already, when trying to join the WoW (or i dunno, even WaR?) chapter. This would be kinda funny, were it the case.
An account with that username has already been registered. If you joined ToJ in the past, you may have an inactive account. Contact to have your account re-activated.

it may be possible that i registered already, when trying to join the WoW (or i dunno, even WaR?) chapter. This would be kinda funny, were it the case.
Fade: Send an e-mail to membership AT toj DOT cc with handle and e-mail address you used to try to apply to join Tribe of Judah and I'll check into it.
Sent. If I was going for warhammer, it would have been short lived, as i stopped playing shortly after getting the game. If for WoW, not sure... that was a while back but never made the x-fer to the server.
This is prolly not the case. i tried using forgot password.
If an account name has been inactive (and thus doesn't show up?) can it be put back into selection, or do i need to choose something different? or will an inactive account not be eligable for things like 'lost password'?
This is prolly not the case. i tried using forgot password.
If an account name has been inactive (and thus doesn't show up?) can it be put back into selection, or do i need to choose something different? or will an inactive account not be eligable for things like 'lost password'?
Inactive accounts can easily be marked as Active by the Membership Administrator or myself. I don't know if the Forgot Password function will work for inactive accounts, though.
Tek, where didju go!!! ? :(
i had to slow my levelling down. i went ahead and started krall stuff but would rather do it with the guild. anyways, hope it goes through. mebbe my temper is being discussed privately? /gasp ;D
wait.. im not that important, haha. /endparanoia
Tek, where didju go!!! ? :(
i had to slow my levelling down. i went ahead and started krall stuff but would rather do it with the guild. anyways, hope it goes through. mebbe my temper is being discussed privately? /gasp ;D
wait.. im not that important, haha. /endparanoia
Okay, just approved your application. You're good to go.

And no, there was no private discussion about you. Just a bit of lag between your applying using your new username and my approving the application. It's possible that our Membership Administrator left the application on hold since it doesn't include an explicit statement of faith, which is an understandable decision. (Then again, it's possible that he hadn't checked the queue yet. We tell applicants to expect a response in 24-48 hours.) Since you mention getting baptized in the Testimony section of the application and since one key purpose of baptism is making a public profession of faith, I went ahead and approved the application.

On a related note, anyone applying to Tribe of Judah should include a personal statement of faith in the Testimony section. (Not calling Fade out on this one; this is addressed to everyone.) Attending a local church is important, but not the way to salvation. We've had more than a few applicants include testimonies to the effect of, "I've attended church since I was a child," and we've asked them to re-apply and include a personal testimony with their second application.
If it's a matter of saying "I believe"...

I believe in Jesus, my God, who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.
I believe in the bible (as a whole), and as stated, there is no sequal or addendums.
I believe in angels, as well as satan and demons.
I believe you must be baptized to enter the kingdom of God.
I believe we must not forsake the assembling of ourselves (church).
I believe Jesus is coming back, however, we do not know the day nor hour.

If that's what you were looking for, there it is, in all sincerety. If I'm wrong in what you're looking for, please guide me in the right direction as to what you're asking since I misunderstood the first time around on the app ;D

edit: anyhow, thanks for accepting the app. hope to see u guys in game soon!
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If it's a matter of saying "I believe"...

I believe in Jesus, my God, who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.
I believe in the bible (as a whole), and as stated, there is no sequal or addendums.
I believe in angels, as well as satan and demons.
I believe you must be baptized to enter the kingdom of God.
I believe we must not forsake the assembling of ourselves (church).
I believe Jesus is coming back, however, we do not know the day nor hour.

If that's what you were looking for, there it is, in all sincerety.
That works!

If I'm wrong in what you're looking for, please guide me in the right direction as to what you're asking since I misunderstood the first time around on the app ;D
No worries. :)