what you think about your guildies


New Member
well, since we all here have diverse and interesting personalities, so I decided to make a topic to reflect it.

idea of this thread is to write about something you think about the person who posted above you. you can write what how you feel about them, what you think they're like, what they'd be into, etc.

so, since I'm starting the topic, and nobody has posted before me, I'm gonna have to talk about myself.

I think ArchAngel is absolutely the coolest guy around. girls must flock for miles just to smell his feet. man, I wish I was that guy.
Maid Mirawyn:

A lady (Proverbs 31 comes to mind). Talkative. Intelligent. Focused. Helpful. Not afraid to mix it up with the guys. The most pleasant chuckle in Georgia.

You are an enigma to me because I know no females who are gamers. I had nothing to compare you to. Now ALL female gamers that I brush shoulders with from now on will be compared to you.
MM unusual, yet sophisticated, enjoys pointless adventures that end in tyranny and fun. And of course we cant forget that she is nice.
Halonic, enjoys helping people, collects massive amounts of money so he cant ask for help(who doesnt hate asking for help?), and has a adequate stash of pride.
ArchAngel said:
well, since we all here have diverse and interesting personalities, so I decided to make a topic to reflect it.

idea of this thread is to write about something you think about the person who posted above you. you can write what how you feel about them, what you think they're like, what they'd be into, etc.

so, since I'm starting the topic, and nobody has posted before me, I'm gonna have to talk about myself.

I think ArchAngel is absolutely the coolest guy around. girls must flock for miles just to smell his feet. man, I wish I was that guy.

"I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead."
- Samuel Goldwyn

Hates Windows, Microsoft, and Dell. Loves OSX and Linux. Young and very passionate about his opinions. Good to group with. :)
The son of a Great man. Has many of his father's good Characteristics. Very pleasent to be around. Hates PvP :D. Is a wonderful leader maybe not in the the guild but in everything else he does for the good of the community.
When we celebrated our guild's first anniversary, Pastori talked about how the true spirit of our guild is to help each other out. If that's the case, then I think nobody embodies the spirit of our guild more than Andrew. When it comes to service, fellowship and encouragement, he is unsurpassed.

Paul: an original thinker; a bit crazy, but directed and refined to a transcendent humor.

strangely, I feel he looks like drizzt.
What's a drizzt?

ArchAngel: Someone who wishes girls would smell his feet, but his DOG won't. A good guy, though, with a good sense of humor
C$: the embodiment of the crazy, dyslexic, ADD-ridden child inside of us ithat we want to repress, but secretly delight in letting it free.

Drizzt Do'Urden is a dark Elf (drow) from the mind of R.A. Salvatore who broke free from the cruel and evil society of the drow and sought to live with honor among the surface world, constantly confronting his dark nature and the views of the dark elfs. cool char, good set of books.
but somehow, I think you already know who Drizzt is...
Errr... My sister has ADD, and my mom is dyslexic... I'm just plain crazy

Anyway... Archy. What can I say about Archy? He likes cars...

Quick thinking; very funny and creative; obviously bright. Notorious spammer. Keeps things interesting.

Hey, I like this thread! It forces us to really think about all the positive characteristics of our fellow guildees!
no it doesn't
an overly motherly character that needs to realize that men are the way they should be, albeit, crazy, sarcastic and chauvanistic.