Who is Planning on Playing what?

I wish IA could tank... I may have to not be a tank... (shocked I know)


Well, actually I guess that's not the most shocking thing ever. You've had main characters that weren't tanks quite a bit before.
I will probably do a juggernaut tank spec and a SI. Doing beta i played a juggernaut tank because i didnt want to ruin the story line for SI and I had a blast lvl'ing him.
Random thought: A class voting poll version of this thread that used the voting options that...

1. Publicly display who votes for what.
2. Enables multiple choice voting for players with multiple planed characters.

...would allow you all to have easier to read visual feedback on the clan's makeup.
I plan on playing some type of tank or caster more than likely. Leaning more towards tanking, but im not sure yet.