You know when you played Guild Wars too much when...

depends on what photos I have on this CD I just got from my dance's all the pics from my dance troupe's last performance.
i think i can do the Rit dance. i would just need to see it a million more times.
Given enough times and some practice I can do the male paragon dance... and maybe one or two other dances.
you know you play GW too much when you ask your mom when her "dinner" enchantment will be over, or if it is a dinner curse that gives you health degen.
You know when you've been playing GWs to much after a year of actual life you expect to get a pet that will help fight/homework/work/whatever or be sold for 50 - 200k.
Can I get a mini pet that will help us with housework?

Our current pets are defective. All they do is eat, sleep, knock stuff over, and shed everywhere. Oh, and lavish us with love. :) Maybe they aren't so defective... :D
i've started training Jeffery. maybe you could do the same, those cannons are great for blasting away that dust and grime... sry i know that was a bad pun... *hangs head in shame*
Can I get a mini pet that will help us with housework?

Our current pets are defective. All they do is eat, sleep, knock stuff over, and shed everywhere. Oh, and lavish us with love. :) Maybe they aren't so defective... :D

I actually recieved info that if you own a pet, your life is expected to be longer because when we give love to our pets its an act of de-stressing. Thios only applies if you have Dog though. I don't know about other pets.