Yuor thoughts on homosexuality.

Oh, I agree, they can still acomplish things just like a straight person can. I was referring to situations where they want to fight for special rights or priveleges for gays.
Yes. I find that gay. Har dee har har.
The fact is: I can no longer fire or not hire a guy if he's gay...or I'll be sued for sexual preference discrimination or some #### and bull like that.
They can not be treated better for being gay. They don't get special attention because they're gay. I hate it. I hate it all!
The sad thing is, because they are gay they will get the job even if they are not qualfied so they really are being descrimanted because of their "sexual preferance".
Why did it edit my word? #### and bull? That just means it's garbage.
So...if I'm fired for not being competent, I can sue because I'm straight and I feel it's sexual preference?
As I understand it, and Tom and I have gone back and forth over THIS issue for quite some time, you cannot employ someone from a preferred minority if they are not qualified to do the job, and their minority status is no bar to their being fired on the grounds of incompetence.

Just make sure you acted according to employment law - because you will be open to a charge of discrimination should there not be sufficient grounds provable.

Well, I'll tell you something (not of gay disc, but relig disc): one woman wasn't conforming to what her boss wanted, take off her piercings and cover her tats at work. She continued to resist his commands, and then he fired her. So she sued him for religious discrimination because she went to a church that believed piercings were essential to salvation...goes to show how magical America really is, deep down inside. If I were to tour Communist countries, they would probably be a lot better off there than here. In fact, I would tell them everything possible that is so bad about America, they'll probably never WANT to come here. How porn is encouraged, how prostitution is okay in some places, how murder is rampant, and criminality tends to be ignored, or serious crimes let off with less-than-serious punishments. Religion of all sorts is ridiculed, especially Christianity, and that really, you have about as many freedoms in America as in Communistic countries. Right to bear arms (on your land, which consists for most people of about 2000 square feet). Right to free speech (so long as it's not threatening or mischievous, such as "This is a bomb" said in a crowded theatre), right to meet in religious places without disruption (oh so false, if you have a protest against abortion clinics by your church, that's illegal, or if you set fire to upside down crosses, that's frowned down on, human sacrifices as well in public aren't well-encouraged). America is a pit of hypocrisy! Heck, they don't even support their leader half the time. Always poking fun at him, discouraging his choices, and frowning on any action he makes. What a loser haven we are.
Way to go, Communists.
I agree with you on some points but in comunist countrys they do terrible things to christians, take a look at a book called Jesus Freaks to see what I am talking about. At least you have clothes on your back a house with a roof and food unlike in comunist countrys. At least you can speak freely in your own home without fear of bugs and at least your family wasn't sent to a labor camp for no reason.

Our country is getting more and more hostile towards Christians but we still have it waaaay better than the people in Iraq, N. Korea, China and Cuba.
True enough. I glanced through Jesus Freaks. They have a part 2 out. The kids in my school say it is a great book to read. I might get through it all. I actually want to start listening to DC Talk.
True America's got it good in some places, and in others, geez, what I'd pay to be Communist. But for now, we have our religion, persecuted as it is.
Rumor has it, we already have concentration camps made out JUST for Christians, in case we become overzealous...that scares me bad enough I'd pull an Osama and go hide under a rock.
I'll introduce you now to my "Doomsday Optimist" form. The Antichrist is coming, and I think America shall be his awesome throne. All the world respects us and fears us, and sometimes disrespects us and doesn't fear us, but they will eventually subjugate to us. It's weird and scary. I hope God doesn't get held up in his cosmic return.
I read volum II also they are hard books to read. D.C. talk is a great band I have been listening to them for as long as I can remember.

The P.O.W. camps sound a bit far feched.
Do you belive christians will be on the earth for the end times?
Whenever God calls us to him, those who are Christian at the time shall not remain behind is my belief. The opportunity to repent and come to Christianity shall remain behind. The Word of God shall remain in the form of the Bible as well. People can still pick it up and make their own choice about it. Reject God or love Him. Their choice determines their fate. That is their final chance. Take the mark of the Beast or the mark of God. If you say you believe in God but recant to live on under the Antichrist's reign, you've forsaken God and never believed. If you take the Mark you throw away your chance of redemption.
Always remember you can refuse the Mark and take death and live with God. Or take the Mark and burn in hell. One or the other.
"The-Messenjah" your thought should not be that you do not agree with homosexualty. The plain fact is that it is wrong. A lot of so-claimed gay-Christians like to reject Leviticus 18:22 since it is OT. If you need a NT example try 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, which plainly says that gay people are not going to heaven.

But I agree with you to a point because that doesn't mean that we should hate or reject anyone who is gay. Those are people that we really need to speak truth into their lives. It is even more wrong for us to reject those who sin when Jesus was able to forgive all the horrible stuff we have done. We are all sinners and only the blood of Jesus redeems us. A lot of Christians forget that we didn't do anything to EARN our salvation. None of us deserve it. It is given to us through God's unconditional love when we accept Christ into our hearts.

I know I am just preaching to choir so I will cut there. My point, though all that, is that we should love them, but we cannot say what they are doing is right. Therefore, we should not support them in any way because that would be telling them that they are doing the right thing.
Welcome Marko.
Umm, I think Messenjah left mainly because he came here with a bad attitude, and really didn't like me because of my answers I gave to his questions, and because of the picky little fights he liked to start by saying "My church didn't help me move" or "My church didn't help in my parents' divorce." He came here to subvertedly attack, and he did.
And now, I think the last thing he said was something about shoving Christianity to the place where the sun don't shine, and all thanks to me.
So like Damar, and our, uh, "Doom on You" prophet, Illuminatus, I believe he has left.
But you're free to post your thoughts, and, uh, I agree that homosexuality is TERRIBLE.
I agree, homosexuality is terrible, but I beleive you are mistranslating scripture in your reference:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Do you realize what a portion of mankind all that describes? I think what that's saying is that people are bad. We're in sin. By ourselves, no, we're not entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus forgives people so that we can, and He forgives all sins. Be careful when you start condemning people for things, because the Bible clearly states that those who beleive in Jesus SHALL be saved.
Or not.
Possibly it could translate into meaning that since a Christian does not do any of those things, or should not, then only the Christians shall get into heaven, and those who are not, whom would fall under the verses' categories, will not be able to enter heaven.
Possibly you're rightt hough.
Thanks for the tip Ultima Avatar.

SLAM, is that KJV? I am not sure just looking at it.

I admit I wrote it short and didn't explain also that those verses actually encompass a wide range of sin. The greek word for sexual immorality, pornia, I think I spelled that right, encompasses all forms of sexual sin, including homosexuality. In the NIV, which I understand has some mistakes, it specifies homosexuality.

I felt like I was starting to ramble, so I stopped short. And before I start doing that again...
SLAM after reading your post a bit more, I think I should clarify that we are on the same page. I totally agree. It looks like we are saying the same thing, just saying it differently. I may not have been clear enough in my first post.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ultima Avatar @ Mar. 29 2003,8:30)]Or not.
Possibly it could translate into meaning that since a Christian does not do any of those things, or should not, then only the Christians shall get into heaven, and those who are not, whom would fall under the verses' categories, will not be able to enter heaven.
Possibly you're rightt hough.
So...you're sinless?

*HEY GUYS I'M BACK!!...I think*
Not quite. J/k. Far from perfect. But a Christian is not a drunkard. He does not REMAIN a drunkard, he does not continue to indulge in a sin. That means he in unrepentent, ergo not acting according to God's Will.
A Christian will nto cheat you. A Christian shall not rob you, nor shall he desire your things. He will not worship a false god, most assuredly doesn't go about screwing other people than his spouse, or screwing outside of marriage either, nor be lustful little dogs.
Yeah. A Christian is none of those things. If he is, he does not deserve to be called a Christian, because he is not of God: he is of the world, AND in the world.
Yes, I used KJV. I agree, I've read NIV before, mostly when I was younger, because it was easier to understand. But yes, they do remove some things that should be kept.

Yes, what I was saying is that when you come right down to it, ANY sin, no matter how "small" or "big" we classify it, is all equal and evil in the sight of God. Not matter what it is, it is enough to make us fall short of the glory of God, and not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It's only through Jesus that we can enter in. That's all I was saying, be careful not to point out individual sins as being ones that send you to hell, because technically, anything can. Say, refusing to eat your peas after being told to (Obey thy father and thy mother). To boil it down, I say, love God, and do everything you can to live right in His eyes. Everyone's going to mess up, but thankfully, He's willing to forgive and love you unconditionally.

Now, how many would like to say that this doesn't apply to gays? You had better think carefully about what you'll be saying if you answer "No, it doesn't." Namely, you'll be wrong. True, it's wrong, and it's a sinful lifestyle. The challenge lies in showing them that it is such, and getting them to turn from it, not condemning them for it.