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  1. S

    So, what, exactly, is Hell?

    No arguement there. If I create something or follow something that has been created and it provides me comfort and helps to give me a sense of balance...even if I may not fully understand every aspect of it why would that be wrong?
  2. S

    Hypothetical Situation...

    How would you be so sure. You obviously seem to have a set criteria for who "it" is, where it comes from and so on...
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    Where do we go from here?

    DV- never said I was a Christian...I cannot explain ghosts but I believe in them. Can science explain it, no, not fully. I believe because of things that I have witnessed in my life. That is all the evidence I need.
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    Where do we go from here?

    DV-How do you explain ghosts? What is that? Mass hallucination?
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    Where do we go from here?

    My apologies, yes after death?
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    A question for those who don't hold Christ as Savior

    But first, I need to lay the groundwork for those answers. Since atheists don't believe in an afterlife, this life, the here and now, is all we have. -DV What is your purpose here? I'm am trying to understand the idea of nothing happening after you die...
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    Where do we go from here?

    Curious to know what everyone thinks happen once we are in the "big sleep". This has possibly been a thread before but I cannot find it...
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    So, what, exactly, is Hell?

    I'm sure if we looked deep enough and stretched imaginations far enough we would find the opposites. As I read in another post, people create heaven,hell and God to explain things they cannot.
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    So, what, exactly, is Hell?

    Like in all things, there must always be a balance-black:white, up:down, in:out, good:evil, heaven:hell. If Christians have a heaven then naturally there must be hell.
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    Yes, I did see the first episode. She brought her equipment just like the holy roller did. Yes, she did hypnotize the daughter-who agreed to do it. Perhaps I'm wrong but I don't recall the family asking her to go to church with them. I believe she would have just like her husband went with...
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    ‘Intelligent design’ faces first big court test

    The study of evolution, either religiously or scientifically should be an elective in school. It has no place in the main courses because of the vast differences in our society. As a parent I do not want the school system to discuss religion in mandatory classes. How can I be sure that the...
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    The "dark-sided" mom did quite well I think. She was open to the "new" family's ideals and did not impose hers on them. This in itself says a lot to me. This show depicted Christians as narrow minded...
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    DV- are you an atheist?
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    Where do cavemen fit in the theory of Creationism?

    Man used to live for hundreds of years?!
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    Stop, Drop and Roll don't work in HELL!

    What do you think a true christian is?
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    It's been my experience that most self professed christians are like this. Perhaps not to this extreme. What is a true Christian?