Aion Online

Having second thoughts due to this:

Comes with a mandatory program, "Gameguard", which will do its best to destroy your computer. It is a malware rootkit under the disguise of "Game Cheating Prevention". This program will disable much of the safety programs on your computer and continue running even after you've quit the game.

I posted that on my wow guild forum and got some response. One guy said

I had it shutting down my G15 as well. I didn't think much of it untill my wife and I went to do some clean up on our PC's. We run ATF file cleaner, then we do some cleaning via AVG and another program that checks for virus/trojans and the such. Then we do a disc clean up and we are good to go. This time however both our PC's are now dead in the water. A few files were corrupted and now we can't even get windows to load. Our friend who builds our PC's had us try to fix it all with the windows disc and do a repair but that did nothing. We how are in the process of taking the PC's to him for a wipe and reinstall of EVERYTHING.

Now I have no proof that gameguard had anything to do with it, but we have done this same clean up on a regular basis (4 month sets usually) and have never ever had this problem before. Strange that we now have both PC's go boom.

Any thoughts on this? I will try to find the file names that were corrupted and put them on this post as well.
I guess I will risk it but several people posted that they had problems with it on their computers (on another forum)
My virus scanner told me it was a virus... hehe. But i went ahead with it anyway. Works fine, no problems here.
I have been playing since US open beta, looking to join a christian guild. Please PM me the server you will be on.
My wife and I are as well am looking for a Christian guild in Aion. If anyone decides to start one up or finds one already in existence please don't hesitate to let us know! Thanks & God bless!