Ask a Catholic about Catholisism

  • Thread starter Rand NobleBlade
  • Start date
Rand as far as praying to Mary you realise you are breaking a commandment given by Yeshua? He said to address all prayers to the father. Here is what I found on another board about celibacy.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Actually, until the middle ages, priests could marry. But the RCC discovered that land that was being given to the priests was being left to their children, and the church wanted it, so they forbade marriage. That way, when a priest dies, the church gets his land.

So I was told, by a Catholic lay-leader who knew the history of her own church.

if its a choice for a preist to focus on his church.. adn not get married.. why is it a rule that other preists cant get married? all thats does.. is lead to lustful sin... i mean.. im sure there are preists.. who really dont want to get married.. and to focus on God.. but.. there are theos who do.. and umm.. my pastor.. is married.. adn he is an awesome pastor...
Actualy i personaly to speak to the saints or mary, i say speak casue as i said in my erlier post, it isnt asking this person to, of their own power aid you, its asking them, as some one said in an earlier post, to be in aggrement with you on a certain need that you bring before the father.

To answer your question pyro. the priest makes a choice to take his vows or to not be a priest. Just as paul said if you burn with passion then you should go get married, if you however can control your passions then you should be like he was celebit. we are responsible for our own choices, the men going into simminary know what the consiquenses of thier choice of vocation are. For those as you say want to get married there are pleanty of leadership roles in the church for married men.

Alot of pastors council thier parishoners in thier offices, which con be considered a box as well , there is nothing shamefull of seeking counsel from your minister.

The first verse of the Hail Mary is taken from scripture, the angel greats mary by saying "Hail Favored one, the Lord is with you. the Hail is used by the angle as a reverent greeting. the favored one is Mary who has found favor in the grace of God. Blessed art thou among woemen and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. was spoken by her cousin Elizabeth.
I firmly belive that your prayers can open doors to God in someones life. I know that God Honnored the prayers of those who were pleading with him to lead me back to him. and if i didnt know God i sure would want someone to pray for me when i was dying, for hat is what that phrase means, the Hour of our death. Up untill the time our brain seces to function, we have the ability to accept Christ.

Take care and God Bless
Rand Nobleblade
k forgive me if i was lazy and didt read all posts.

i really dont know y preists cant marry and i dont believe its biblical. though my theory on that is they might be difiled, and therefor are not spiritual and cannot preform any thing holy.

and a cross drippin blood i would agree with pop drinker with preforming an exorcism, just cuz i read "the visitation" (great book) and i believe to have some factual truth yet its a fiction book.

yeah thats bout it
[b said:
Quote[/b] (timor @ Oct. 07 2003,3:01)]Why will no one answer my miracle questions?
I dont know much about them. So I cant really. Give me some background info on them then I will answer.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mrpopdrinker @ Oct. 06 2003,9:11)]Actually Rand I believe you are speaking to demons not Mary. Nowhere in the bible does it talk about speaking to the dead.
actually it is spoken of in the Bible. it's considered an abomination, an offense worthy of death. One of the kings of Isreal, breaking the law, summoned Samuel (I think it was him) to get a prophecy about a coming battle, and Samuel cursed the battle, saying that the king would die....or something like that. i can't remember the full story an i'm at work without access to most of my Bible stuff..
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Kidan @ Oct. 07 2003,3:49)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mrpopdrinker @ Oct. 06 2003,9:11)]Actually Rand I believe you are speaking to demons not Mary. Nowhere in the bible does it talk about speaking to the dead.
actually it is spoken of in the Bible.  it's considered an abomination, an offense worthy of death.  One of the kings of Isreal, breaking the law, summoned Samuel (I think it was him) to get a prophecy about a coming battle, and Samuel cursed the battle, saying that the king would die....or something like that.  i can't remember the full story an i'm at work without access to most of my Bible stuff..
Yes sorry I forgot about that. The story is in 1Samuel 28.
The Samual didn curse the battle becuase,Saul spoke with him, he did it becuase saul sought to summon him through a medium who worshiped a false God. It was the act of consulting a medum which was punishable by death.

Take care and God Bless
Rand NobleBlade

P.S. Timor, i dont know all that much about those miricles either.
opps sorry mr pop, i made a typo in my one post, what it should have said was that i myself do not talk to Mary or the Saints. It really wasn't much apart of my life, when i was souly catholic. And it is actualy somthing that the church dosn't focus on it as much as it used to.

And technicaly its not talking to the Dead, becuase they are Alive with christ in heaven.

Take care and God BLess
Rand NobleBlade
The dead in christ shall rise first. That is from the bible so God says differently. Calling on spirits is sinfull and wrong that is what God has said. So if you are not talking to them then why pray to them?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Kidan @ Oct. 07 2003,2:49)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mrpopdrinker @ Oct. 06 2003,9:11)]Actually Rand I believe you are speaking to demons not Mary. Nowhere in the bible does it talk about speaking to the dead.
actually it is spoken of in the Bible.  it's considered an abomination, an offense worthy of death.  One of the kings of Isreal, breaking the law, summoned Samuel (I think it was him) to get a prophecy about a coming battle, and Samuel cursed the battle, saying that the king would die....or something like that.  i can't remember the full story an i'm at work without access to most of my Bible stuff..
It was King Saul...toward the end of his rein.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Big J @ Oct. 07 2003,4:43)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Kidan @ Oct. 07 2003,2:49)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mrpopdrinker @ Oct. 06 2003,9:11)]Actually Rand I believe you are speaking to demons not Mary. Nowhere in the bible does it talk about speaking to the dead.
actually it is spoken of in the Bible.  it's considered an abomination, an offense worthy of death.  One of the kings of Isreal, breaking the law, summoned Samuel (I think it was him) to get a prophecy about a coming battle, and Samuel cursed the battle, saying that the king would die....or something like that.  i can't remember the full story an i'm at work without access to most of my Bible stuff..
It was King Saul...toward the end of his rein.  
Saul was such a naughty boy.
Alright, I'm here to get my hands dirty with some scripture

Starting with Apostolic Succession, you can turn to the wonderful chapter of Mathew 16. In verse 13 Jesus asks his disciples "Who do you say that I am?" Peter answered that Jesus was the Messiah (the first time an apostle had done so). Jesus then told Peter in Matt 16:18 "you are rock and on this rock I will build my church." Jesus established His Church on a person. Notice how from here on Peter takes charge of leading the disciples. On Easter Sunday, John and Peter ran to the tomb, but John did not enter till after Peter (even though John got there first) because Peter was the leader. In the council of Jerusalem in Acts, Peter is the one who makes the final decision on the non-circumcision of gentiles; after he gives the command, it is decided how it will be implemented, but there is no further discusion on the subject of whether it will be implemented or not. Finally, Peter's name is mentioned in the new testment more times than ALL OF THE OTHER APOSTLES COMBINED. Numbers mean alot in the Bible, and Peter is mentioned near 250 times. Since Peter we have had 251(?) Popes. Directly after Peter was Linus, directly followed by Anacletus. The Early Church Fathers mention the importance of the popes and willingly submitted to them. It was not untill Martin Luther broke away from the Church that protestant churches broke the previously unbroken Apostolic Succession. It is because of this that we Catholics believe that Protestants do not have the the ability to perform sacraments, save Baptism and Matromony.

As for Reconciliation (confession), Jesus set us free from our sins by dying on the cross and resurecting. On Easter Sunday he gave us the sacrament of reconciliation as the means by which we could come back to him. Matt 20: 22b: "Recieve the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." Why did Jesus say this? Why didn't he just say "tell people to ask me for forgiveness"? Because he wanted people to confess their sins to priests. There's a couple reasons we do this: 1) we are physical, God is not. We can not see God in His Glory nor, usually, hear His voice. Now what if you KNEW something was wrong and said, "Screw God's law! This is what I want to do and I'm gonna do it." That's what we call Mortal Sin (it kills God's life within the soul because it has rejected God and all He offers). In order to restore the life of God, the person has to be truly sorry and do whatever is necessary to not do that action again. The Priest, as implied above, is in the person of Christ. We are telling our sins to God, not just Priest. At the same time, and more importanly, God, through the Priest, can consoul the repentant and help them overcome their weakenesses that they could not overcome alone. Who needs to pay a concilor? That's why God gave us help us come to Him! Also, it takes alot more to say to a person that you're sorry than to just think it (otherwise protestants would never bring this's alot easier to just think "i'm sorry" than actually have to act on it). This is one of the steps to showing that one it truely sorry.

As for miracles, did not Jesus say, "Greater things will you do in my name"?

Concerning Mary, I don't think you guys know where the Hail Mary comes form. IT COMES FROM THE BIBLE
Look at Luke 1:28. The angel, FROM GOD, tells her "Hail, Full of Grace." Catholics don't honour Mary any more than God does. God allowed Mary to become the Mother of Jesus' Human nature. The angel, in the name of the Lord, said Hail to Mary, not us! Next, look at Luke 1:42 (this is an awesome chapter) Elizabeth tells Mary "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus!" WOW!!! It just so happens that THIS is in the Bible too
Are we Catholics Biblical or what?
Notice that Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit at this time, so it was quite a reality that God speaking through her.

As for praying for the dead, Martin Luther didn't really like that part, so he took out First Maccabees and Second Maccabees (both of which Chronicle historical events writen in ancient Roman history texts), as well as numerous other books. Now, if you look at the early copies of the Bible, they contain all 72 books of the Bible, which was finalized in 402 at the council of Hippo. Did you know that there was a Gospel of Peter but that the Catholic Church, from which the Bible came by the way, was not deemed inspired and was not thus included? You can check out the early church father about that too. They also mention the mass, and alot of other Catholic things. Do be warned though: to read the early Church Fathers is to read about the Catholic Church and her beliefs.

Finally, there is not a single teaching in the Catholic Church which contracts what the Bible says (according to the Bible in context, not a personal interpretation, including any Catholic who mis-interprets the Bible).

That's all that I can say right now, but Catholics are not ignorameouses, nor are we idots for what we believe, nor do any of our beliefs counter what is in the Bible.
First off it is not easter sunday it is ressurection monday. Easter is a pagan holiday and he was ressurected on the first day of the week ( or would the first day there be sunday here). Now that I have cleared that up lets move forward. I dont believe in the apocrapha therefore maccabees and was it the gospel of peter you said are not legit however I will admit I do need to study them a bit more. As far as hail Mary hail is no different then hello she was favored by God just like so many other people in the bible. As far as he saying for us to forgive I believe that that has another meening then what you catholics say however I am not sure what. Yeshua is physical therfore we must ask him for forgivness I am sorry but it is not the Job of a preist Yeshua is the only mediator. As far as preists being part of the body of Christ. I am sorry but we are all in the body of Christ preists and popes are not higher than us but the same.
I don't mean this in a hostile way so sorry if it comes accross mean, but have you looked at a callendar lately? It just so happens that Sunday is the first day of the week. Saturday was the Sabath for the Jews, and it just so happens that the day right after Saturday is Sunday. Thus, Jesus rose on Easter Sunday. Easter Monday is the day after Jesus resurrected.
No the first day of the week here in america is Monday. Easter is the transliteration of ishtar. Ishtar is a pagan goddess who came down in a colored egg and when she landed poof there she was or somthing like that. On the feast of easter they would offer her a colored egg sound familier?
Miracles, people! The validity of the Catholic Church could so easily be proven by failing to disprove all of the wonderful miracles the Catholic Church claims!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (timor @ Oct. 07 2003,7:27)]Miracles, people! The validity of the Catholic Church could so easily be proven by failing to disprove all of the wonderful miracles the Catholic Church claims!
I dont know of any that they claim. All I really know about that they hold to is stigmata which is demonic in nature.