Cartographer Title and Texmod

Abba San

Legacy of Elijah [LoE] - Proud Grandfather
Has anyone used Texmod to work on your Cartographer Title?

Any suggestions or alternatives for finding those missed spots?

And, yes - I have been scraping all along.
After I hit 96% I started using the texmod. Honestly I would never had been able to guess where half of the missing 4% was without it. Port jumping has been pretty fun too. It saves some time but its boring... not that the Cartographer title is suppose to be fun filled and exciting though. Some thing to expect it when you go from the "M" map back to game play the screen may lag and it will appear the map is over your screen. Kind of annoying but easy enough to fix. Just go in and out of the map until it corrects.

If your really don't want to use the texmod (you will still likely need to) you can check out some forums on commonly missed locations. This obviously is lacking but it is a start.

Thanks - I am working on putting together maps and using the Photoshop method suggested online.

Did you have any residual problems when you were through with Texmod? Did it affect your characters - or even your maps once you were done?
That is encouraging. Once I finish my vanquishing I plan to do the cartography. I will be at about 94-96% in all three areas. I'm hoping an aid will put me at 100% relatively quickly.

Doom Box is great.
Textmod is great. I haven't had any residual effects, but when running Textmod on my old PC it was a tad slower and there were some graphics gliches, but like Elhanan if you just map out or change the screen it resolves itself. There really is no other way to do it without textmod. I mean.. there is, but it'll triple the amount of time needed and cause a LOT more work.
If Prophet and Stc say it is great - that is good enough for me. Thanks, guys.
You can also use Textmod to change other things about the graphics of GW. There are a lot of user mods that'll make it easier to see how much Adrenaline you have, or to change your sword into a giant pickle, or to make the inventory a "glassy" look. Although I have only used it for Cartographer.
I got the link for Texmod and for the maps from the Guild Wars Wiki site. I was in the process of collecting maps to do PhotoShop method described on the web site - when I heard about Texmod (again - I had heard about it some time ago but forgot - I'm old). I checked with some people in SoE/SOE and on the forums - they recommended it and confirmed that it was NOT contrary to Guild Wars ToS. So I loaded it up.

I am amazed! I picked up a full percentage point pushing back the edges on Istan alone. And that was in about 35 minutes. Now I am doing the same in Vabbi.

It's not something I'd want to be running all the time when I am playing - but for doing the grunt work of Cartography - WOW!

Check out the Doom Box videos listed by Aleron, above.
Texmod is not against the ToS of Guild Wars. On the official guild wars wiki site, they say that they don't encourage it and they don't discourage it - they're actually pretty neutral about players using it. The main point as to why they allow it is that it does not offer players a competitive advantage in gameplay. All Texmod does is to change the way things look, including user files like the overlay on the map that shows what hasn't been explored yet or like Stc said - changing weapon skins or battle effects. All of the changes done through Texmod stays user-side of the server and no other player can see them. And all it does really is to ease up the stress factor of the cartography title track (which, even when full, doesn't really give a player a competitive advantage) and increases entertainment value for the player - you could make your armor look like... i don't know... a giant teddy bear, or whatever you want, lol.
That is where I got my info and links. Thanks, Aleron - and for the Doom Box videos, too.
I managed to get legendary cartographer without textmod, so it is possible, but it was a bit tedious. I used maps I found online and alt-tabbed back and forth quickly between the downloaded map and the in-game map. Took a few moments to line them up and the full map was often distorted slightly from stitching together screenshots, but it worked well enough. I did find it interesting when my in-game map showed more than the "100%" map I downloaded.
That is what I had been doing - and 'tedious' doesn't reflect how frustrating it was.

I was out with Obee Kaybee doing some progress quests and missions and I managed to pick up nearly a percentage point of map in a couple of hours. It is a thrill when the line pops back and you have completed an area.
Also, remember to map out towns and outposts, they do give cartography percentage, but texmod won't have anything show up as towns will always look mapped. And as has been said texmod doesn't give a competative edge, so it isn't against the ToS, although using a macro to activate several skills in PvE isn't bannable(I recall from a talk-page on the wiki, not sure which one) but they will ban you for using them in PvP, so they have a lot of grey area in what they will and won't ban you for. PvE it's more of "if you have to remain at your keyboard to use it, it's okay." And in PvP it's a "No, you have a slight adavantage, then we'll ban you." Texmod is something we know they allow, but just dn't go overboard with stuff due to them not having a list of what is okay.