...As for the world being overpopulated... There is quite a bit of extra space... that's an evolutionist lie used to say we should kill the weak and have abortions. Food would not be an issue if we simply had more people farming. The problem is that not many people want to work for their food. They simply want it coming in easy from McDonalds and Grocery stores (please note, I'm not saying either one of those is wrong, just using it as an example for those who don't want to farm.)
Ok Kutluch, I'm gonna be nice.

Much of the above statement was very oversimplified.
Regarding the world being overpopulated, there are only a few regions of the world that are growing in population (India, China (China looks as though their population is going to start leveling off in the next 50 years) and a few other 3rd world areas in the world). For the most part, established nations have a stable or shrinking population. Many European nations haven't seen population growth in decades. Japan's elderly population (people over 65) is much larger than its child population. The US is beginning to level off as well.
As for your evolutionist lies bit, I am not sure I know of any evolutionists who think abortions are equatable to survival of the fittest. I personally believe in some form of evolution and sure, we do have survival of the fittest, but our brains (whether you want to argue whether they were given to us directly from God or it was God who helped us develop them) have helped us survive all of the epidemics we have faced thus far (we are still here, aren't we?).
As for growing your own food, many people cannot (and I assume you include US citizens in there when you say "everyone") afford the time or the money to grow their own food. Growing your own food requires an absurdly large investment in the beginning and it is something that you cannot be slack with. This investment includes seeds, farming tools and supplies, knowledge and most importantly... LAND! Your little hobby garden in the backyard will not support an entire family. After my Grandfather retired years ago, he started his own garden and was able to feed himself and my Grandmother off of it... but it was nearly 1.5 acres large! Most house plots aren't that large. It requires load of effort to start and massive amounts of time and dedication to keep going. Feeding yourself and the rest of your family from your own garden requires a kind of energy and dedication (there are better words that I can't think of) that the U.S. mentality doesn't support (meaning you cannot grow your own food and operate like a "normal" American family).
God controls the womb. How could I say barren women are disobeying the will of God?
Could you elaborate upon that? Saying God is in control is a bit of a cop-out answer.
In the case of a woman who could die from bearing children, I would be very careful of the type of contraception used, as the methods which kill the fertilized egg are hidden methods of abortion.
An abortion is an abortion is an abortion. The only variable that makes one abortion more acceptable than another is circumstance.
For not being able to afford another child, what does being able to afford a child mean? It can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Does being able to support the child and be able to afford your 2nd car, a WoW subscription, and go bowling every Saturday? In America our standards of living are quite high on average. Children are an asset, not a liability.
For adoption, that's an argument for my side of the issue. If there are parents who really can't afford to raise the child, they can adopt it out to a good Christian family who can.
I don't think that God wants us to have to spend all of our money on our kids. That's like living paycheck to paycheck, which sucks... trust me. I think God wants us to have as many kids as we can possibly handle and still give them a good quality life and set them up to succeed. If you have 10 children, then you must divide up your time with them 10 different ways, versus if you only had 2 or 3 children. Just think of Jon and Kate + 8 (or whatever it's called now).
As for adoption, it isn't viable for some people. You can't just wake up and decide you want to adopt a child. It costs LOADS of money (which I think people forget sometimes). There is a couple at my mother's church who are raising money so that they can adopt a child of their own (they cannot have babies). They need $30,000 for the adoption fees. It can be more depending on where you live as well. It isn't cheap.