It is not absolutely fact, your truth statement is open to interpretation as well.

For example, I absolutely disagree with your understanding of the Bible as a book of "helpful tips" to be interpreted differently by everyone.
When I said open for interpretation, what I meant was that it is easily interpreted differently from person to person. Perhaps I should have used better fitting words, heh.
It's easily interpreted in different ways because of how vague it is. Like I said, the Bible is only specific in a few areas. The rest of the areas are filled with stories which have morals to them... which are interpreted differently.
Also, some versions of the Bible have more books than other versions of the Bible. I believe the Catholic Bible at one time (or currently, I'm not sure) has/had more books in it than the protestant Bible.
I acknowledge that the Bible is much more than a book of "helpful tips", I apologize for the misunderstanding. I thought the quotations would help people see my sarcasm there...

Nevertheless I apologize.
Anyway, the Bible is definitely interpretable in many ways... the evidence is everywhere... Catholicism, Greek Orthodox, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian.....
The evidence for this is in the form of church denominations and personal beliefs... they're everywhere.