Gerbil is wrong on best weapons. Blue pump shotgun is the single most important weapon in the game due to how fights tend to play out. Seriously, it needs to probably either be nerfed or changed, because it's better to have than the purple or gold shotguns.
You'll want to focus on getting a pump shotgun, followed by mid range, followed by long range. Best midrange is definitely gold scar, but there's a lot of choice for all the others since I don't usually get one until way late in the game. I prefer scoped assault rifles, my usual gaming buddy prefers the burst AR. Grey silenced SMG is literally worthless don't even bother picking it up, and other colors of it are at best situational. Tactical SMGs are actually pretty decent for close range, but again, completely outshone by shotguns. They're like the weapon you'd use if they were
juuuuust a little further than you feel comfortable shooting a shotgun, but feel they could close on you too fast to use an AR.
Long range the two best choices are Hunting Rifle, and Bolt Action Sniper. A headshot with a hunting rifle can do something like 175 dmg (out of a max of 200 life if you're fully shielded/hp) it is literally insane. However, getting a headshot is super tricky on it due to it not having a scope and pretty hefty bloom if you're not aiming down the sites. Bolty is also really beefy for damage. I don't really like it and prefer the semi-auto, however I fully admit that the Bolt Action is the better gun.
Then you've got the misc stuff. Rocket launchers are good time, but honestly not too rough for skilled players to deal with. When you're fighting forts with explosives you'll want the grenade launcher. Really, you'll just want the grenade launcher period if you run across one. Another fantastic weapon to always pick up is the new LMG. It's best for mid-close range "I need to kill this fort and anything in it" kind of fighting.
Boogie bombs and grenades are decent if you're decent with them to begin with. Otherwise ignore until you are.

Port-a-Forts are literal game changers if you're in a tight spot.
Prioritize shields over health. two minis and a half shield will take you to full. It's better to have one medkit over a bunch of bandages.
Weapons to avoid:
Gatling gun. Just don't. I don't care if it's gold and your second weapon. It's the noob trap to end all noob traps. I've managed to kill maybe, one person with it in like 300 matches. More importantly, I've never been killed with one. And I've died in pretty much every way it is possible to die in this game.
Crossbow. This weapon is for players who like to play hardmode. The falloff is just too much, making it very hard to aim.
Things to know about Fortnite:
Prioritize building over Gunplay. I'm dead serious. Learning to build up quickly instead of instantly engaging out in the open (unless you ambush someone, then shoot and if you don't immediately kill them, start building) will make you better than 75% of the rest of the playerbase. Learn to master the four wall + ramp 1x1 fort, it's the single most important skill to have in the game.
I mean, it's in the name of the game. When you play, after you get a gun or two, prioritize collecting mats. You'll want around 300 total before you can feel 'comfortable' getting into a fight in the open. Preferably you'll have 600. Make sure to use steel and stone sparingly, and preferably toward the end of the match. Use wood for anything and everything. need to get up a ledge? Down it? to a chest you see/hear? wood ramps. charging someone who is shooting you? wood ramps. bullet whiz by your head and you don't know where from? four wood walls and a ramp. Don't chop down the big trees, leave like 50-100 hp left because people can see that tree drop from a very far distance, and gain an advantage by knowing someone is there.
Tilted Towers is where you go if you want a stupidly short game and a whole lot of action all at once. there are games where upwards of 40-50 people drop there. Until you get really good, expect matches to last an average of 30sec to 2 minutes. I hate dropping there. If you want early game excitement, Retail Row and Pleasant Park tend to be where to go. A bunch of people will usually drop there, but not enough to prevent you from getting at least one weapon before getting in a fight. Moisty Mire is probably the least populated on any given drop, and if you want to play the long game (ie: get all the good weapons and avoid fighting altogether until the bitter end, which is imo incredibly boring) you'll drop there unless the bus starts practically on top of it. Avoid going out into Loot Lake if possible, the water is bugged in places, which causes random spots in the water to not let you build forts.
Final Note:
If you want to see how the consistent winners play, and what their strats and priorities are, watch Ninja and DrLupo on Twitch. Not only are they great to watch (the duos and squads where they play together are probably the best thing to
ever come out of twitch), but they are insanely skilled in two radically different playstyles (Ninja is an up-in-your-face kind of player, DrLupo is king of mid-long range). And they're on very consistently and usually for a while. I usually watch their antics over my lunch break at work too, which makes my day so much better.