Frustrated and Discouraged

Just got an update from our Sr. Pastor. The county is requiring us to put in a fire suppression system or we won't be able to occupy the building. That's pretty much a deal breaker. We are trying to work some other angles but we really need God's involvement to move forward.

Update: The Sr. Pastor spoke with the current owner and she seems amenable to paying for the suppression system and allowing us to put it on the purchase price of the building (we are currently leasing with an option to buy when we get the financing in order). The super praiseworthy thing is we just met her and her husband yesterday and they are very strong Christians and are supportive of what we've been doing. Please praise God for what's He's been doing and for what He is going to do through this.
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Little update. My wife is doing much better. She had a doctor appointment last week and the doctor told her to calm down. What she had last week was probably a bug and not a re-occurrence of the issue she had before.
Praise God Indeed.

I'm glad to hear that. It can be frustrating at times. Praying.
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My wife went back to work today and praise God we still have a little money in the bank. I had really hoped to stash some of our excess away (read invest it) but that wasn't meant to be.