Frustrated and Discouraged


Active Member
I know, after the high of my last praise report, there had to be an attack coming and it has.

I have been getting very frustrated and depressed the last couple weeks. Our building project which was flying ahead according to plan hit some permitting hitches. Now the where we planned to be moved (and canceled the lease on our current location) by November 1 we will be lucky to have the project finished by December. On top of that, one of our key construction people, the guy getting us the permits, has been very cranky. I know he's going through a lot of stuff in his personal life right now, but he's been cranky (for lack of a better "family friendly" term) on the job site and has walked off a few times. Because of his importance people have been walking on egg shells around him and I don't like that. I almost gave him the "we'll miss you" speech last week, but for the building project.

On top of that my wife's reoccurring medical condition has been flaring up. A couple weeks ago she missed a three days of work and today she's back in bed for day two. Normally she has a flair up then is ok for a few months. Now the flair ups are occurring more frequently. She is having surgery on Oct 31 to deal with it. This situation has been going on for over a year because our previous doctor didn't think it was a big deal and gave her Vicodin and wants to see her every six months.

So please pray for me. I know God's in control, but I have problems with depression and seeing things from His perspective and getting that knowledge from my head to my heart is difficult for me.
Update, we just got back from the doctor and they moved her surgery up to next Tuesday. They would do it tomorrow but they couldn't get a slot at the hospital.
Praying for the surgery to go well and for her to recover quickly. Praise that the surgery got moved up!
Wife went to surgery around 1:00 pm est. Seems to be taking longer than expected. Anyhow, please pray for her.

Forgot to mention.

This past Sunday, one of "my kids" broke his leg at our community youth group meeting. He's on the mend and went home from the hospital this afternoon. I got to visit with him and his parents after my wife went into surgery.
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The surgery went a lot longer than it was supposed to. She's come out ok, but she will be in the hospital a couple days (typical for "out patient" surgery for her) and she will be out of work for six weeks. Thanks for all the prayers.
Just an update. It's been a trying week. My wife's out patient surgery ended up being a five day hospital stay. She is supposed to come home tomorrow. She's going to be out of work for six weeks and you may recall that she is our only means of financial support. Also, I'm losing my insurance coverage this week. I need to see and eye doctor but can't afford it now.
Kahiel: Any update on the situation so we know best how to pray?

Praying for general healing and provision until we know more. :)
Things haven't improved any. My wife was in the hospital for six days. She's been in a lot of pain, but it was getting better. Saturday the pain which started the whole thing came back so it appears that the whole surgery thing was for naught. She has another doctor's appointment later in the week but the last time we talked with her she said that there wasn't anything else she could do.

The church situation is also unchanged. We are worshiping at the Y because we gave our 30 day notice on the space we were renting. We were supposed to have the permits before Thanksgiving but then they told us they (The permit dept) is running 2 to 3 weeks behind. (Note, Lucas County where we are located is very firmly controlled by politically liberal politicians and unions. While not wanting to get political, the local politicians are not very friendly to religious organizations.) Additionally, we heard in the last week they want us to put in a fire suppression system ($100k) or add six egress doors, a fire wall running the entire building and bolt the chairs to the floor.

On top of that, the enemy found another avenue for attack, my son who was on the honor role last year, flunked most of his classes. His highest grade was a C+. He has stopped taking his medication (ADHD) and lying to us about his homework and meds. We had to force him to work all weekend to get a bunch of projects he skipped.

Not really what to ask for prayer wise. Healing, strength, wisdom, and protection are the best I can think now.
Sounds like y'all are under a lot of attack right now. Praying for you.

Don't get discouraged. Just remember that you're not alone, and that you will get through all this.