Full 2.1 PTR Patch Notes


New Member
The PTR is up and the 2.1 patch is out. I wont past the notes here as it is a wicked long list, but here is a link to them. Tons of changes and it will take a while to digest.

My quick thoughts on them...
  • No real game-play changes with warlocks. Some nice tweaks though. Pets will finally disappear and reappear when we mount. A lot more targets are able to be seduced (a big concern in heroics). If your pet kills a target it procs abilities that are based on when you kill a target. A nice change for imp drain soul for sure.
  • Lots of tuning to heroics, Karazhan, and other raid instances. Good stuff.
  • You can buy primal nethers using badges of justice. Also a good change.
  • In general, it sounds like better loot in heroics with all bosses having a chance to drop epic gems.
  • I am not a fan of the profession changes. In general, it is a tiny tiny fraction of the changes that need to be made. Engineering and Jewelcrafting still need tons and tons of work. I guess the fishing changes are good, but now everyone and their brother will start fishing.
  • I'm on the fence about the HUGE changes to flasks and elixirs. It's nice to reduce the cost for end-game raiding, but I think it will be a while before we see raid bosses tuned for the new (lack of) consumables. Incidentally, here are the new flask specs:
    Flask of Fortification 500 HP and 10 Defense Rating
    Flask of Mighty Restoration 25 MP5
    Flask of Relentless Assault 120 AP
    Flask of Arcane Fortification 35 Arcane Resist 20 HP5
    Flask of Shadow Fortification 35 Arcane Resist 20 HP5
    Flask of Titans 400 HP
    Distilled Wisdom 65 Intellect
    Supreme Power 70 Spell Damage
    Chromatic Resistance 25 Resist All
  • Netherdrake quest chain completed. Awesome. Though reports are the PTR are that you can only do so many rep quests per day. So Bliz is artifically increasing the time it takes power players to grind out their netherdrake. Oh, and you can't start the second part of the chain (past neutral) until you have purchased your 300 riding skill. (That's the 5000g one)
  • New quest hubs for ogres and Skettis. Meh. More content is good. I just hope the Skettis quests don't conflict with my fishing.
  • New consortium rep quests. Huzzah.
  • Lots of bug fixes and item fixes. Always good.
  • Lots of UI changes. Specifically they are turning the professions window into basically the Advanced Tradeskill mod. That's good I guess. The professions UI needed a huge overhaul.
  • Raid UI is getting MT/OT windows. I don't really use MT/OT windows anymore, but this is a good change. 2 years and Blizzard has *almost* finally created raid functionality as good as CT Raid.
  • New flight points/paths. Always good.
  • Auction house remembers the sell price for items you put up just like Pricemod/WoWEcon mod. Well, actually I'm not sure if it remembers all items or just your last item.
  • Essences (essence of fire, water, etc) have a chance to drop off of mobs that drop motes of that type. That's a good thing for sure.
I am very happy with the Druid changes.

Specifically: "Mangle(Bear)": Damage increased by 15%, but bonus threat reduced so that overall threat generation will be unchanged
All I can say is WOW.. the hunter changes just look flat out awesome.. They are really making an effort to make the pet viable in end game and I love that.. I will likely not ever change from BM now..

Wow good call blizzard <3
Wow, just wow. A ton of changes. Things I saw of interest to me . . .

(Druid) Feral Charge" now suppresses all Slowing effects while charging the target.

(Paladin) "Ardent Defender" (Protection) now reduces damage taken by 6-30% when below 35% health.
Hmm, not sure how I feel about this one. On the surface it seems like a good change.

(Paladin) Avenger's Shield" no longer has a minimum range. It may be used on any target within 30 yards.
"Avenger's Shield": The damage portion of this ability will now be applied even if the victim is immune to snare.

Double woot!

(Paladin) New Protection Talent added: "Improved Holy Shield", 2 ranks: Increases damage caused by "Holy Shield" by 10/20% and increases the number of charges of "Holy Shield" by 2/4.
Just plain awesome...but not sure where I am going to get the points from :confused:

The jewelcrafting UI now has gems split up by color so it is easier to find gems of a specific color to create.
Overall, all of the crafting UI changes seem very nice and a long time coming.

In the Black Morass, gnomes are now able to run through the water like other races.
Gnomes are not important in this instance, so i don't know what all the hubbub was about . . .

Active corpses or objects (ones with loot on them) now can be selected and looted, even if they are underneath another corpse that does not have loot on it.
I recently had an issue with this, so yay! to it being addressed! :D

It's a PvE mob polymorph. Not player character polymorph. So mobs in instances will poly you for a shorter period of time.
"Insignia of the Alliance/Horde" and "Medallion of the Alliance/Horde" now removes "Immobilizing", "Stun" and "Polymorph" effects and no longer remove "Slowing" effects.
did this remove polymorph before? didnt this just break root?

anyways warrior changes are looking good.
The fishing timer has been reduced from 30 to 20 seconds and it now takes less time to fish.
The fishing timer can no longer run through its duration without a fish biting.

wow, this is huge for fishing
All I can say is WOW.. the hunter changes just look flat out awesome.. They are really making an effort to make the pet viable in end game and I love that.. I will likely not ever change from BM now..

Wow good call blizzard <3

Yeah, as a warlock though it still annoys me to no end. We have one pet that is a 41 point talent that has some sort of AoE avoidance. And as always, the DPS/Tanking disparity between warlock and hunter pets is huge. *sigh*. We aren't the primary pet class. We aren't the primary debuff class. (That belongs to warriors. Deep wounds, rend, thunderclap, demo shout, sunder, hamstring, mortal strike, etc)
The new to holy pali healing nerf is HUGE. 50% mana return on crit instead of 100%. This will hurt PvE big time. /cry.
"Illumination": This talent now only gives 50% of the mana cost of the critical heal. It also now returns the correct amount of mana when used with ranks 4 and 5 of "Holy Shock".

Thanks a bunch blizzard. If had of known that blizzard was goign to nerf pally healing like this I would have rolled a shammy instead. Don't be surprised if my pally takes a long vacation. I didn't want to tank with him, which is what they are pushing pallies to do I guess.

Back to the rogue

I am sad that they hammered paladins so hard, and I wouldn't be surprised to read in the future that this nerf will be relaxed so that the percentage goes up to something like 75-80% in the future.

Having said that I did think that paladin healing needed to be reduced somewhat... either that or buff holy/disc priest and resto druid healing (but blizzard doesn't buff, they nerf).
While if I was spec'd holy, I think I would be a bit upset with the healing changes. However, it seems the leading raiding guilds in the game are using paladins for main healing and priests for damage. Priest healing should always out-class any other class, with druids a very close second, so I think this is a correction Blizzard is trying to make to push priests back into the main healing role. Just my opinion, though :)
Meh. Palis will still be fine for 5-mans. These nerfs are going to be hitting end-game raiders really hard. (It may possibly effect heroic runners too, but it looks like heroics are getting nerfed (tuned) pretty hard.) When you combine the pali nerfs with the consumables nerfs, 25-man raid bosses are going to be pretty much impossible until Blizzard gets the tuning right. And that may be quite some time.
Yes I think this change won't hurt healadins in non-heroic 5-man runs... not significantly. Though I suspect it will force a lot of raiding healadins to regear a little bit. While crit is still critically important (pun intended), it may not be worth sacrificing some amount of int or +healing (I don't know paladin gear well enough to say though).
New JC Stuff...
Jagged Seaspray Emerald: +5 Critical Strike Rating and +7 Stamina | Blue/Yellow
Dazzling Seaspray Emerald: +2 Intellect and +2 Mana every 5 seconds | Blue/Yellow
Radiant Seaspray Emerald: +5 Spell Critical Rating and +6 Spell Penetration | Blue/Yellow
Enduring Seaspray Emerald: +5 Defense Rating and +7 Stamina | Blue/Yellow
Wicked Pyrestone: +5 Critical Strike Rating and +10 Attack Power | Red/Yellow
Veiled Pyrestone: +5 Spell Hit Rating and +6 Spell Damage | Red/Yellow
Glinting Pyrestone: +5 Hit Rating and +5 Agility | Red/Yellow
Luminous Pyrestone: +11 Healing Spells and +5 Intellect | Red/Yellow
Potent Pyrestone: +5 Spell Critical Rating and +6 Spell Damage | Red/Yellow
Inscribed Pyrestone: +5 Critical Strike Rating and +5 Strength | Red/Yellow
Royal Shadowsong Amethyst: +11 Healing Spells and +2 Mana every 5 seconds | Red/Blue
Glowing Shadowsong Amethyst: +6 Spell Damage and +7 Stamina | Red/Blue
Infused Shadowsong Amethyst: +10 Attack Power & +2 Mana per 5 seconds | Red/Blue
Balanced Shadowsong Amethyst: +10 Attack Power and +7 Stamina | Red/Blue
Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst: +5 Agility and +7 Stamina | Red/Blue
Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst: +5 Strength and +7 Stamina | Red/Blue
Great Lionseye: +10 Spell Hit Rating | Yellow
Mystic Lionseye: +10 Resilience | Yellow
Thick Lionseye: +10 Defense Rating | Yellow
Gleaming Lionseye: +10 Spell Critical Rating | Yellow
Rigid Lionseye: +10 Hit Rating | Yellow
Smooth Lionseye: +10 Critical Strike Rating | Yellow
Brilliant Lionseye: +10 Intellect | Yellow
Stormy Empyrean Sapphire: +13 Spell Penetration | Blue
Lustrous Empyrean Sapphire: +4 Mana every 5 seconds | Blue
Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire: +10 Spirit | Blue
Solid Empyrean Sapphire: +15 Stamina | Blue
Flashing Crimson Spinel: +10 Parry Rating | Red
Subtle Crimson Spinel: +10 Dodge Rating | Red
Bright Crimson Spinel: +20 Attack Power | Red
Runed Crimson Spinel: +12 Spell Damage | Red
Teardrop Crimson Spinel: +22 Healing | Red
Delicate Crimson Spinel: +10 Agility | Red
Bold Crimson Spinel: +10 Strength | Red

Purified Shadow Pearl: +9 Healing and +4 Spirit | Red/Blue

Purified Jaggal Pearl: +7 Healing and +3 Spirit | Red/Blue
Too many new recipes to link, but big changes here.

Of note, alchmists can now make "cauldrons" which are like soul wells for resistance potions. So you can drop a cauldron and give "absorb XXXX fire(/frost/shadow/whatever) damage" to your raid. Coolies. For example...

Cauldron of Major Frost Protection
* 2xPrimal Mana
* 7xMana Thistle
* 1xFel Iron Casing

The epic engineering goggles are all BoP. Engineers can make a new epic BoE gun.