Fun with Webcams!

Dea, u should have climb up the rock that _____ is climbing up in photo 4!
There was no TRY. I successfully climbed really huge obstacles.

With Sherman and Dredd telling me where to find the handholds and footholds...
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As someone who does high ropes courses and rock walls and stuff fairly well...

Well, okay, I'm not gonna say anything, because I haven't watched it yet because I have to go soon Is it funny?
blarg I'm guessing it was Maid that laughed after whoever it was said "I got that on video!"

kind of a funny laugh. I mean, I've been told by various sources that my laugh is "Weird" but hey I'm "weird" so whatever :p
Being Mist's fellow Iowan, I can commiserate with him about the lack of things to climb. Although if we stacked up all the bottles, cans, and disposable cups left after a RAGBRAI stay, we could, in theory, have something impressive and most likely quite dangerous.
Posted for a guildee who may be visiting Colorado Springs...

I present Garden of the Gods! Truly a beautiful place; you KNOW you want to visit...

A cedar and guildees...

Me with a goatee or something and in bad need of a haircut:

Photo 1.jpg
Vibro, you should keep the goatee. Seriously. A bit of a trim in the haircut, but if you grew out the goatee just a little more it'd look awesome.
Being Mist's fellow Iowan, I can commiserate with him about the lack of things to climb. Although if we stacked up all the bottles, cans, and disposable cups left after a RAGBRAI stay, we could, in theory, have something impressive and most likely quite dangerous.

Yeah, that we could..